Question Ethernet Issues

Feb 20, 2022
Known Issue: My computer recognizes that I am connected to internet (through an Ethernet cable) but will not work. When looking at task manager it says that I am receiving at most a few hundred Kbs but sending 0. Though when looking in ethernet settings it says that the connection is at 100 mb/s but nothing that requires a network connection will work.

Pretty sure its not:
Cable: Tested on other devices and connection is established and working
Wall Port: Also test on another device and connection is established and working

Steps already taken to solve the issue:
Restarted the PC
Full power down and back up
Updated windows
Updated all drivers
Updated BIOS
Updated all BIOS drivers
Checked proxy settings
I have no VPN
Updated power settings
Reset Network
Changed fixed IP
Factory Reset my PC
Factory Reset with Windows media creation tool
Changed to Linux (Mint) Operating System

Something that I think is also really odd: When plugging in my USB Wi-Fi antenna, Wi-Fi works just fine

It is fully possible that I missed something, even that is small. I like to consider myself good with technology, but this is outside my knowledge at this point. At this point it is hard for me to think it is a software issue seeing as it has crossed different Operating Systems (unless there are special drives needed for Linux, that I did not know of seeing as I am not the most familiar to it). Though, if it was a hardware issue why is the computer recognizing it? Also, the lights in the back are flashing that it is working, if it was broken wouldn't those not flash? I have extensively looked over the Motherboard and see nothing wrong, and this happened while it was running. How/ why would the hardware all the sudden break for no reason? Seeing as I use this computer for school, any help would be nice. Let me know if you need anything more (I can go back to windows if that makes it easier to fix).

Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel i9-9900k
GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (yes, I know I need to upgrade)
Memory: 16gb DDR4 3200 MHz
Motherboard: Aorus z390 Pro

Sorry that was long, but I thought all the info I could give would make this easier.
Known Issue: My computer recognizes that I am connected to internet (through an Ethernet cable) but will not work. When looking at task manager it says that I am receiving at most a few hundred Kbs but sending 0. Though when looking in ethernet settings it says that the connection is at 100 mb/s but nothing that requires a network connection will work.

Pretty sure its not:
Cable: Tested on other devices and connection is established and working
Wall Port: Also test on another device and connection is established and working

Steps already taken to solve the issue:
Restarted the PC
Full power down and back up
Updated windows
Updated all drivers
Updated BIOS
Updated all BIOS drivers
Checked proxy settings
I have no VPN
Updated power settings
Reset Network
Changed fixed IP
Factory Reset my PC
Factory Reset with Windows media creation tool
Changed to Linux (Mint) Operating System

Something that I think is also really odd: When plugging in my USB Wi-Fi antenna, Wi-Fi works just fine

It is fully possible that I missed something, even that is small. I like to consider myself good with technology, but this is outside my knowledge at this point. At this point it is hard for me to think it is a software issue seeing as it has crossed different Operating Systems (unless there are special drives needed for Linux, that I did not know of seeing as I am not the most familiar to it). Though, if it was a hardware issue why is the computer recognizing it? Also, the lights in the back are flashing that it is working, if it was broken wouldn't those not flash? I have extensively looked over the Motherboard and see nothing wrong, and this happened while it was running. How/ why would the hardware all the sudden break for no reason? Seeing as I use this computer for school, any help would be nice. Let me know if you need anything more (I can go back to windows if that makes it easier to fix).

Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel i9-9900k
GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (yes, I know I need to upgrade)
Memory: 16gb DDR4 3200 MHz
Motherboard: Aorus z390 Pro

Sorry that was long, but I thought all the info I could give would make this easier.
When you updated the bios it may have fixed the original issues however creating a new one, bios updates basically restore the bios to default settings and if you are running a specific networking setup in your house may have adjusted a need setting in your bios for networking to work properly, I would go over all your networking settings in bios make sure they are how they should be
Feb 20, 2022
Oh, I do not know if this matters or not, but I am on campus internet. I typically run the normal settings (I haven't ever changed the network settings). Though when looking through it I found that the BIOS said there was something there but not connected. When i disable the PCH LAN Controller it goes away but when it is on it comes back. I clipped a picture to show what I mean:

Picture 1:

Picture 2:


On your computer double check that only one network adapter (either wired or wireless) is enabled. One or the other and not both.

Only one network adapter should be enabled.

= = = =

Campus environment:

I would not expect that a fixed IP address would be used in your environment: DHCP much more likely.

If indeed your computer has an assigned Static IP address then you need to contact campus IT support.
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Reactions: white.a.drew
Feb 20, 2022
[FIXED] i think

Ok can someone explain this to me?? So i went to go do what Ralston18 suggested and that did not work, but while I was there I saw this think called bridging. I do not know much about this but I assumed it mixed the networks to make one stronger network, so since my wifi is weak I tried it and it worked. But when looking back, now my ethernet is working through the bridge. So thinking "no way" I took out the wifi usb antenna and it is still working (even faster than it used to work). My only assumption is now the computer is bypassing the ethernet adapter and going straight to the bridge. Is this correct? anyone know the reason why it is doing this? any downsides to doing this?

Thank you.