[SOLVED] Ethernet Problem


Apr 2, 2020
So usually I am good at trouble shooting pc problems, but this problem that arose completely has me stuck.

I have moved into a new apartment with two roommates that have PCs as well. We have gigabit Ethernet with 1.2 gbps up and down. We have xfinity, and they provided a router with an app that goes along with it. So I was on wifi on my pc at first, and it worked fine however I was lagging a good bit when gaming. I switched over to Ethernet and according to my speed test I’m downloading with 920 megabits per second, and uploading with 40 megabits per second. The problem is:

  1. When I played a game I continuously disconnect and reconnect to server
  2. When I’m in discord I continuously disconnect and reconnect and usually cannot hear other speaking
  3. When I download something off of the browser the download completely stops when I’ve downloaded 1-2 megabits.
  4. Websites randomly take awhile to load or don’t load at all
Whilst this is all occurring I continuously checked speed tests and my download speed was still 900 mbps.
I am not sure if this problem has something to do with my Ethernet port on my motherboard or what. At first on the router/modem app it listed all PCs with their host names, and for awhile my pc was listed as connected, but not connected to the gateway like every other device connected. But now after messing around a lot this is fixed, but other issues have not fixed.
Here’s a list of things I’ve tried already that have not fixed the problem:

  1. restarting pc
  2. Restarting router
  3. Testing roommates Ethernet cord in my pc
  4. Completely resettting SSD take deleting all files on windows hard drive
  5. Checking if IP address was black listed on routers admin website (
  6. Uninstalling and re-installing Ethernet drivers

Let me tell you something my friends. I have never been so lost in my life, and all I could think that is possible is that something happened to my motherboards Ethernet port but I have no idea. Any help will be appreciated, thank you so much.
It is very strange you upload speed is so low. Have you checked using other pc to see if they get higher speeds since the ISP claims you should get close to gigabit speeds up.

Check that you do not have any of that "gamer" network software loaded. It comes bundled with video cards and motherboards. A common name is CFOSspeed but it has others. It normally talks about giving gamers priority or some kind of QoS.

What you could also try is to boot a linux USB image. This run entirely from the USB stick and does not damage your windows install. Most have a browser installed so you can just run speedtest. This will show you if your hardware is ok, but does not really help to find what in windows is causing it.
Did you go through all of the Control Panel Power Options to make sure everything is set to High Performance and Maximum Performance? Also did you go through the Device Manager settings for your wifi, usb and network adapters and make sure the Power Management option "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" is NOT checked?
It is very strange you upload speed is so low. Have you checked using other pc to see if they get higher speeds since the ISP claims you should get close to gigabit speeds up.

Check that you do not have any of that "gamer" network software loaded. It comes bundled with video cards and motherboards. A common name is CFOSspeed but it has others. It normally talks about giving gamers priority or some kind of QoS.

What you could also try is to boot a linux USB image. This run entirely from the USB stick and does not damage your windows install. Most have a browser installed so you can just run speedtest. This will show you if your hardware is ok, but does not really help to find what in windows is causing it.
"I have moved into a new apartment with two roommates..." I suspect your problem is not related to your equipment. It sounds like you are all using WiFi. I suspect most people in your apartment complex are using WiFi also. WiFi is, basically, just radio and it has to split the frequency between however many users are accessing. It is a complex subject but the best answer is: don't use WiFi. Use Cat5e or higher cables between the router and the computers.

More info here


Apr 2, 2020
"I have moved into a new apartment with two roommates..." I suspect your problem is not related to your equipment. It sounds like you are all using WiFi. I suspect most people in your apartment complex are using WiFi also. WiFi is, basically, just radio and it has to split the frequency between however many users are accessing. It is a complex subject but the best answer is: don't use WiFi. Use Cat5e or higher cables between the router and the computers.

More info here
Nope not using wifi, we have three Ethernet cables running through our apartment to the router. One 100 ft cord to the furthest room, and 50 ft to my other roommmates, and a 25 ft cord going to my room.


Apr 2, 2020
I am an Xfinity customer - no immediate answer, just a question.

Wondering about: "We have xfinity, and they provided a router with an app that goes along with it."

Which router and what app?
The name of the app is just called “Xfinity” and is on the Apple App Store. This app allows you to see all connected devices, and whether they are on wifi or Ethernet.


Apr 2, 2020
It is very strange you upload speed is so low. Have you checked using other pc to see if they get higher speeds since the ISP claims you should get close to gigabit speeds up.

Check that you do not have any of that "gamer" network software loaded. It comes bundled with video cards and motherboards. A common name is CFOSspeed but it has others. It normally talks about giving gamers priority or some kind of QoS.

What you could also try is to boot a linux USB image. This run entirely from the USB stick and does not damage your windows install. Most have a browser installed so you can just run speedtest. This will show you if your hardware is ok, but does not really help to find what in windows is causing it.
So I was mistaken after asking my roommate for confirmation. Our download is 1000 mbps but our upload is also. For this Linux Usb stick, would I just buy a typical 8gb flash drive and download the Linux image software and boot it from bios?


Apr 2, 2020
Did you go through all of the Control Panel Power Options to make sure everything is set to High Performance and Maximum Performance? Also did you go through the Device Manager settings for your wifi, usb and network adapters and make sure the Power Management option "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" is NOT checked?
Yes this was one of the first things I attempted I apologize for not putting it on the list. I saw this possible fix when I did my first google searches on how to resolve the problem, however had no luck.
I don't know if it even has to be 8gb. I am lazy and have a really old one I even forgot where I got. I seldom use it but it always works so I never built another.

You have to be a bit careful. You need to look for images that are designed to run from the USB and not a linux install image. Many times these are used for other purposes like fixing hard drive errors etc. Maybe someone else can recommend a exact image to try since even if I dug around the one I have is at least 5yrs old.
If you machine is like most it will always attempt to boot the USB if it finds a USB that can be booted. This is how you force a windows reinstall when it is messed up. But if it doesn't there likely is a option to tell it to boot a USB stick in the bios.


Question: "The name of the app is just called “Xfinity” and is on the Apple App Store. "

Apple App Store ?

Are you running the app on an Apple device?

Mixed environment: PC/Windows? Linux? What, if any Apple devices?

Just trying to understand and to ensure there is not some mix up or confusion with the software/app being installed.

That and, even if all is working, I am not sure how well everything is actually playing together.


Apr 2, 2020
Question: "The name of the app is just called “Xfinity” and is on the Apple App Store. "

Apple App Store ?

Are you running the app on an Apple device?

Mixed environment: PC/Windows? Linux? What, if any Apple devices?

Just trying to understand and to ensure there is not some mix up or confusion with the software/app being installed.

That and, even if all is working, I am not sure how well everything is actually playing together.
The app is just something to view the router and see what’s connected to it. You can’t edit the settings on the router like you would typing whilst an Ethernet is connected to the router. It’s just an app to view what devices are connected to the router that was in the instructions for setting up the router.


Apr 2, 2020
So I made some progress, however the problem is still occurring. I discovered that the only thing that works is YouTube and google. When I say these websites work, I load 1080p YouTube videos to completion in seconds. Whilst this is occurring, I still cannot connect to steam and discord servers, and other websites like Reddit either take forever to load, or do not load at all.
View: https://youtu.be/kbDkk-SRTx8

I came across this Youtube video which seemed to be the fix for my issues and according to the comments worked for everyone else, however with following the videos steps and ensuring the new DNS settings saved (Stayed the same after Pc restart which I tested 3 times), the problem is still occurring. Man I am exhausted with this issue. When I use my internet wifi adapter btw I still have no problems with connecting to everything, it’s just a problem when I have my Ethernet plugged in.


- Make and model router?

The router's logs (if available and enabled) may provide some clue regarding the disconnects. Who has full admin rights to the router? You will need help from that person.

- Also, on your computer run "ipconfig /all" (without quotes) via the Command prompt.

Post the results.

- On your computer look in Reliability History for error codes, warnings, or even informational events that may have been recorded when any of the four noted problems (OP #1) occurred.

You can also look in Event Viewer. However, Reliability History is much more user friendly and the time line format can be very revealing.


Apr 2, 2020
So it fixed and I thought I'd make a post to address it even though I am not sure exactly what fixed the problem. The thing I did right before it finally started working was:

  1. Unplugging all usb cords plugged in next to or below the router (Found this suggested online)
  2. Switching the IP for the IPV4 connection to manual with IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. (Note this didn't work but after I switched it back to automatic it started working)

If anyone ever runs into this problem and finds this thread let me know and I'll attempt to go through all the steps I took in attempt to fix and the things I have learned throughout this process. I also should note the only websites that worked flawlessly through this process were Youtube and Google, but the typical fix of switching DNS to and did not work for me unlike everyone else. I would be able to connect to other apps like Discord, however could not hear friends and it wouldn't load chat or my friends list, and would randomly disconnect me. If anyone ever runs into this problem, give me a holler and I'll try to help.