If your a environmentalist, do you work for a logging company and complain, no you get a different job. It is not the employer responsibility to make your feel warm and fuzzy about your aligned philosophies.
Reminds me of where we would be if it were not religion stiffing technology in the days of ol. Now it is the precious snowflakes stiffing technology.
A business number one goal, is to make money, otherwise you can not run a business and keep going. Does that give them a free pass to break the law, NO, but most of these issues are one's personal political views that are trying to be forced upon others, again if you don't support the businesses way of thinking, then go else ware.
Microsoft, first off these people coming into the country illegally, have broke the law. If parents of children both break the law, then kids get sent to the state, this has been the law for anyone living here in the US. Don't break the law, problem solved.
Amazon, so we all want to be protected and not have another 9-11, but we don't want to have the tools to help protect us, I am not sure how to tell you this, but facial recognition is already being used, Amazon just has better or equivalent tech, so again they are a business and wish to make money, how is this a bad thing. You cannot innovate or make technology better if you never use it.
Google, again drones are already here, are already being used, so should we make them more efficient so that only the bad guys are removed, or should we just go back to the old days of just dropping a nuke and take out everyone. Scalpel not chainsaw.
Tomshardware, and every other tech news site, this politicization of technology news is getting out of hand. Why is it all of a sudden OK to push politics and ones personal opinion on others? Do your job and I don't know, give us unbiased news about technology. One thing this current administration has taught me, honest Journalism is dead. Some one has a political motive behind every story, even when it should be about technology and about facts about said technology, and not about hot topic issues that are blown apart and conveniently blamed on one guy, when those topics have been around for a very long time. The world's problem scapegoated to one person does not help society.
Lets get back to why everyone came here, Technology NEWS without all the political OPINIONS. And of course let the people debate the never-ending fun of Red vs Green vs Blue.