hotaru251 :
"because it prevents competition from other search services or browsers such as Firefox to gain significant market share on Android."
Becasue if someone WANTED to use firefox they wouldnt just download the app for it themselves....
i am sorry but ALL OS devices come with w/e brand of search engine is popular.
Google IS the #1 search so itm akes sense to put it on android OS...
also theydo not forbid other searches from being put on the OS.
I honestly feel that google got robbed on this specific lawsuit :/
You cannot even make the distinction between a web browser and a search engine and think you're capable of judging over a monopoly lawsuit because you managed to read an article's title?
jimmysmitty :
The EU fines keep going up and up and up. I find these reasons hard to justify as well. The OS is Googles and they should be
The fines go up and up because it appears no lessons had been learned from previous, lower, fines. Its similar to increasing penalties for recidivists in criminal cases, it's completely normal.
And no, android is not google's, it's open source. It was (and is) built on Linux kernels that google does not and cannot own.
What about all the shit bloatware apps (e.g. google newspaper)
that google forces you to have on your phone without being able to uninstall unless you rootkit (thus voiding warranty) your phone? /quotemsg]
#1 "Android (operating system) Android is a mobile operating system
developed by Google, based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software"
and #2 what about apple? samsung? literally every OEM computer/phone has SOMETHING you can not uninstall normally.
But they are not being hit by EU why?
oh and yes i can make distinction between ad web browser and search engine. Given the details of WHY they suing them it matters not. the point is becasue they put their developed search on their developed OS as the default they get sued?
Would be like me makign a cure for cancer, releasing it to other people, and then being sued by someone selling it for $5000 when I charge $5.
The EU is just being flat out greedy and grasping at ANYTHING .