Ooooh. I might buy one of these, if the price isn't totally insane.
Yes, it's big as a whale, weighs a ton, and probably generates a lot of heat. This is not a machine you would ever want to use on an airplane or a bus. These monster-truck machines are not meant for everyone, or even for all that many people. They are for people who need huge amounts of raw power, need to be able to use it in more than one place, and who don't care about mobility. Gaming, and heavy number crunching. Think of it as a high-powered desktop machine that will fit in a backpack. (a large backpack, mind you)
Currently, I have a quad-core Clevo D901c, and I'm really very happy with it. It is admittedly huge, heavy, and the battery lasts around an hour, but who cares? I only ever use it while sitting at a desk. I do stuff that eats processor power like popcorn, and this machine handles heavy number-crunching beautifully. I also really need to be have access to the same machine whether I'm at home or at the office. (and, *cough*, I understand that you can play games on it, too - I'm sure someone told me that.)