Event Viewer average Errors


Yes, it is normal to have error codes and warnings in Event Viewer. (And often those errors are used by tele-scammers to scare victims into paying to have the computer fixed. Does not end well.

In your case, the number and concentration is higher than I would expect.

You can right click on any given error to get more information about what happened. Check a number of the errors to determine what is happening to generate the errors and if they are all the same, some pattern, or otherwise correspond with something you know happened with respect to your computer.

Reliability History may also help with figuring out what is going on.


Win 11 Master
The only ones you might want to take any notice of is Critical errors, the rest can normally be overlooked. Nothing on your list is worth looking at. I would look on reliability history faster than Event viewer as sometimes the events on it actually affect how PC is working.
