Question Ever since June/July of this year every single modern game I try to run on my machine becomes unplayable after a short time

Oct 24, 2024
Ok so, M. Bison is added to SF6 so I decided to buy the season pass, when I went into actual match every single time someone did a super or 10+ minutes passed the game turned into a slideshow and I was forced to Alt F4 out of it while my machine was severaly slowed down still for a few minutes afte that. I was having this issues earlier in the month too but it would happen after an session lasting 1 hour or more. I wasn't a problem with such a game and I had this issue last year too due to the intense heat of that period. I tried to look into fixing this issue for a while to no avail and I gave up. Later on I tried Vladik Brutal (, Space Marine 2 and now Visions of Mana ( and I run in the same crippling issue, I only have this issue with modern 3d games after 20-40 minutes.

My machine:
Lenovo Ideapad Gaming
Windows 10 64bit
AMD Ryzen 7 48000H with Radeon Graphics
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti - VRAM 4GB
AMD Radeon Graphics

I have tried many different things to no avail, I don't know if it's CPU throttling or running out of RAM since it's always around 83%-93% when playing a game. I've tried several things, tried old Nvidia drivers, Clean install of Nvidia drives, clean install of CPU drivers, CPU and RAM stress test gave no issues and i don't recall many negative signs with the usual programs to monitor this things but it could just be ignorance on my end, I also notice that Windows Defender's process is hogging a good amount of ram at all time but I didn't manage to get rid of it in any way, my CPU temps are around 89-90C when i play but they've always been like this and I never had much issues.

I'm at a loss as to what I can do about this, the only concrete thing I can think of is to clean my laptop again and repaste the CPU but I'm scared of doing that also because of how my laptop is assembled.


You will need to focus on finding out what is happening or stops happening when games become unplayable.

One means to do so is to make use of tools such as Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Process Explorer (Microsoft, free).

You will need to work with all three tools but only one tool at a time. The tool window will need to be opened prior to beginning play and left open so you can watch what is happening on the system.

Simply play and observe the tool window. Hopefully you will be able to note some change(s) that occur when performance slows. Especially around that 20-40 minute time frame.

Play as you always do but do not expect to win per se.

Hopefully you will be able to discover some system resource that is being taken up and, more importantly, what is taking it up. E.g. Windows Defender/Security.

How much RAM is Windows Defender taking?
Oct 24, 2024
You will need to focus on finding out what is happening or stops happening when games become unplayable.

One means to do so is to make use of tools such as Task Manager, Resource Monitor, and Process Explorer (Microsoft, free).

You will need to work with all three tools but only one tool at a time. The tool window will need to be opened prior to beginning play and left open so you can watch what is happening on the system.

Simply play and observe the tool window. Hopefully you will be able to note some change(s) that occur when performance slows. Especially around that 20-40 minute time frame.

Play as you always do but do not expect to win per se.

Hopefully you will be able to discover some system resource that is being taken up and, more importantly, what is taking it up. E.g. Windows Defender/Security.

How much RAM is Windows Defender taking?
"Antimalware Service Executable" is always top 5 heavy load on my machine, usually around 165 - 250 MB at all times


Take a deeper look into things.


There are other similar links to be found as well.

No need to immediately do anything - just determine if more can be learned.

Key is to identify some specific reason or cause and not get pulled into installing some software or other fix claiming to fix the problem. Or some registry edit, etc..

However, to be fair, what are the other heavyloads?

If possible, take a couple of screenshots and post the screenshots here via imgur (
Oct 24, 2024
Take a deeper look into things.


There are other similar links to be found as well.

No need to immediately do anything - just determine if more can be learned.

Key is to identify some specific reason or cause and not get pulled into installing some software or other fix claiming to fix the problem. Or some registry edit, etc..

However, to be fair, what are the other heavyloads?

If possible, take a couple of screenshots and post the screenshots here via imgur (


Here's what my load usually looks like, pretty heavy I know. Sometimes what's hogging all the resources at the top varies but "Antimalware Service Executable" always up high, sometimes Anki and other processes hog far more than showed there for reasons that elude me, obv Chrome doesn't help and I don't get why sometime it has 19+ processes going on, now the load is less then usual since it usually hovers round 50%.

I tested with Visions of Mana again and used the resource manager to see what was going on with the Resource Monitor. I had no issues for 40-50 minutes and then as I got the notification for this post and went about taking a screencap to post here the game's performances tanked as previously described. One thing I do often is alt-tab to check my socials etc. and spend extend time there rather than in game, for this test beside checking the resource monitor I didn't alt-tab to check twitter or guides much, so I think that alt-tabbing might be related to this issue now. One other thing I've noticed is that while my ram was nearly full, up to 96% this time, my CPU didn't seem to be much busy, hovering around 14%-20%, during busy moments 30% and only once 40% although frequency was always high. My ram seemed to have 20-40 Grave Paging issues (I don't know the specifc term in English) often. When the game became a slideshow again my CPU was 13-14% and my ram seemingly empitied itself from 96% to 77%.


Oct 24, 2024
How full is each of the disk drives? Make and model?

The other item of interest (at this time) is the Page file.

Noted: "Grave Paging" issues and that (English aside) means that the Page file should be looked at as a potential culprit.

Page file may or may not be the problem. TBD.

The SSD is by Toshiba

The HDD is stated as "Standard Disk unit"

At one point I noticed that for one reason or the pagefile on my HDD was 40GB and that led me to turn off automatic management of my pagefiles, deactivate it entirely on my SSD and reduce it to 5 gb on my HDD. Later on I set it to max 5gb on my SSD and 10gb on my HDD. I had said issue with the pagefile a 1-2 months after having these FPS issues with SF6.


Is all important data backed up at least 2 x to locations away from the Ideapad?

And proven to be recoverable and readable?

= = = =

Make and model drive(s)? Run the applicable drive manufacturer's diagnostic software on each drive.

= = = =


Any related or corresponding error codes, warnings, or informational events in Reliability History/Monitor or Event Viewer?

Run "dism" and "sfc /scannow" to find and fix any problem or corrupted files.
Oct 24, 2024
Is all important data backed up at least 2 x to locations away from the Ideapad?

And proven to be recoverable and readable?

= = = =

Make and model drive(s)? Run the applicable drive manufacturer's diagnostic software on each drive.

= = = =


Any related or corresponding error codes, warnings, or informational events in Reliability History/Monitor or Event Viewer?

Run "dism" and "sfc /scannow" to find and fix any problem or corrupted files.
I haven't made backups.

Also like I stated earlier

The SSD is by Toshiba

The HDD is stated as "Standard Disk unit"

Edit. the HDD is by Seagate
Last edited:
Oct 24, 2024
I ran both commands and they both said there were no issues.

I couldn't get the toshiba diagnostic tool for my SSD so I ran SeaTools on both drives. I did a long generic test on both and both resulted as "passed".


By virture of elimination it may all be narrowing down to an overheating problem per @SkyNetRising .

Try doing whatever you can to keep the laptop cool / cooler and determine if the playing time can be extended beyond the posted 20-40 minutes.

To do so:

1) Stop or disable as many background processes as you can. During boot (Startup) and elsewhere (Task Scheduler).

2) Find ways to keep the laptop cooler. E.g. the suggested cooling pad or just simply setting the laptop on a surface that will improve airflows and/or otherwise conduct heat away.

Any increases in playing time, even a few minutes, would make overheating more suspect.

You must be methodical and consistent with your testing and troubleshooting.
Oct 24, 2024
Take a deeper look into things.


There are other similar links to be found as well.

No need to immediately do anything - just determine if more can be learned.

Key is to identify some specific reason or cause and not get pulled into installing some software or other fix claiming to fix the problem. Or some registry edit, etc..

However, to be fair, what are the other heavyloads?

If possible, take a couple of screenshots and post the screenshots here via imgur (
I tried looking into how to solve the solve the issues with Antimalware service executable following the guide linked here. I've done everything, I only need to reboot my PC after adding MsMpEng.exe as an exception but I don't think it will yield any result at this point. With a Clean boot the process is still running fierce so I figure it's an issue with some windows services but I wouldn't know how to go about that. I tried BCUninstaller and removed a lot of things but nothing has changed either


Barring some specific error code, warning, or informational log entry regarding a problematic Windows service I would not expect such issues.

And, hopefully, "dism" and/or "sfc /scannow" would have resolved any such issues.

Look in Task Manager > Services to get a broader sense of what all is running on the laptop. Look for anything that is not expected or unknown. Investigate accordingly. (Run as admin.)

You can also use Process Explorer (Microsoft, free) to learn more.

What else is the laptop trying to do when or while gaming?

I would, for example, shutdown Google Chrome and Discord.

Determine, after a few tries, if doing so increases the game play time and/or results in a cooler laptop.
Oct 24, 2024
Barring some specific error code, warning, or informational log entry regarding a problematic Windows service I would not expect such issues.

And, hopefully, "dism" and/or "sfc /scannow" would have resolved any such issues.

Look in Task Manager > Services to get a broader sense of what all is running on the laptop. Look for anything that is not expected or unknown. Investigate accordingly. (Run as admin.)

You can also use Process Explorer (Microsoft, free) to learn more.

What else is the laptop trying to do when or while gaming?

I would, for example, shutdown Google Chrome and Discord.

Determine, after a few tries, if doing so increases the game play time and/or results in a cooler laptop.
What should I monitor in Task Manager and Process Explorer?


What you are monitoring for are are changes that correspond with the time or times that games become unplayable.

Work with one tool at a time and simply watch. Keep notes.

Very likely that you will need to use all of the tools to get some sense of what is happening.

A change in Resource usage, more or varying errors in Resource Monitor/History.

Anything that happens just before or at the time the laptop gets hot and games become unplayable.

Are you able to tell when the laptop starts getting hot? If nothing has changed in the tools then the problem could be that the laptop is not being properly or fully cooled., Fan failure, airflow being blocked vs an overworked resource.

= = = =

I looked at your Task Manager again:

What is anki.exe - appears to be some sort of flashcard training program? Do you use it? In any case disable it during game play times.

Likewise for OneCommander (file manager?). I would not expect that it is needed for game play and it may well be taking up RAM and causing lots of paging to occur. Especially if trying to index etc., during game play.

Overall premise being that you stop as many processes as possible before playing. Then if the game play improves you begin adding things back one at a time to determine if any given app or utility causes overheating and/or performance slowdowns.

Takes time and effort to methodically work out the troubleshooting actions that will identify the culprit.
Oct 24, 2024
What you are monitoring for are are changes that correspond with the time or times that games become unplayable.

Work with one tool at a time and simply watch. Keep notes.

Very likely that you will need to use all of the tools to get some sense of what is happening.

A change in Resource usage, more or varying errors in Resource Monitor/History.

Anything that happens just before or at the time the laptop gets hot and games become unplayable.

Are you able to tell when the laptop starts getting hot? If nothing has changed in the tools then the problem could be that the laptop is not being properly or fully cooled., Fan failure, airflow being blocked vs an overworked resource.

= = = =

I looked at your Task Manager again:

What is anki.exe - appears to be some sort of flashcard training program? Do you use it? In any case disable it during game play times.

Likewise for OneCommander (file manager?). I would not expect that it is needed for game play and it may well be taking up RAM and causing lots of paging to occur. Especially if trying to index etc., during game play.

Overall premise being that you stop as many processes as possible before playing. Then if the game play improves you begin adding things back one at a time to determine if any given app or utility causes overheating and/or performance slowdowns.

Takes time and effort to methodically work out the troubleshooting actions that will identify the culprit.
I earlier today I tried runnning the game without as many processes in the background and while initially Visions of mana took 80% of ram, after 10-20 minutes it settled to 60% of ram usage, I only tested it for 40 minutes though. I'll look more into it. Anki is flashcard program and I keep it op to make flashcards but I could just open it when I need to. I'll do tests and it migh take time fo resutls to come up, I'll also clean my Laptop of any possible dust and look into putting new thermal paste since that's due anyway
Oct 24, 2024
I'm still early in the testing phase but this time I tried to run Visions of Mana with Discord and Chrome open and nothing else. I was alt-tabbing frequently for a series of reasons and after 15 minutes the game's performaces tanked and I had to alt-F4. Still early to say but in which way would alt-tabbing have to do with this?
I was alt-tabbing frequently for a series of reasons and after 15 minutes the game's performaces tanked
Can you show a screenshot from Task Manager - Performance/Memory section,
when this happens?
in which way would alt-tabbing have to do with this?
You're switching foreground and background applications all the time.
I'd suspect at some moment you're just running out of ram and
virtual memory trashing starts to happen.

Oct 24, 2024
Can you show a screenshot from Task Manager - Performance/Memory section,
when this happens?

You're switching foreground and background applications all the time.
I'd suspect at some moment you're just running out of ram and
virtual memory trashing starts to happen.

I'll try to replicate it later on and send it here, it doesn't happen only at those cases but still. I recall looking at my % when performances worsened in other games at times and from 89%-90% it would drop to 65%-70% despite my entire machine lagging