Every game freezes eventually, varying times?


Mar 30, 2017

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6402P CPU @ 2.80GHz
Ram: 8 GB
System: 64 bit
Graphics: NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1050 Ti

I bought a gaming pc at the end of December, and all was fine for the first month, but then something bad started happening.

I noticed that after varying amounts of time (sometimes 30 mins sometimes 3 hours) the games would always freeze (i could still hear the sound and friends told me i hadn't disconnected yet) and then crash. No error messages are displayed, however sometimes when league of legends crashes an error appears referencing directx and keeping drivers updated, i dont think thats very helpful though.

I have used DDU to uninstall and reinstall my drivers twice, keep them up to date, and have also checked that none of my cores are parked. I'm not sure what else to do, and some help or even pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!