Question EVGA 1070 not running at full potential

Nov 26, 2019
I have a 1070 and lately when playing the new modern warfare the the load keeps dropping resulting in massive frameloss... i used to run the game at anywhere from 100-130 sometimes dropping lower and now it will barely break 100 dropping as low as 20-30. Is my gpu dying, power supply dying? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

i5 7600k- load stays around 99% temp around 55-60 gpu temp around the same
16gb ram load is around 50%
1 tb ssd 50% full
256 ssd 50% full
EVGA SuperNOVA 750 G2, 80+ GOLD 750W

evga 1070 8gb, stays around 60 degrees but load drops constantly during gameplay

just ran a benchmark and it ran fine the whole time