EVGA 560 TI/ PSU Question


Feb 11, 2012
Ok guys, complete noob here so bare with me.

Here is the video card I purchased a few weeks back.

video card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Prod [...] 6814130604

Here is the psu I purchased at the same time.

psu http://www.newegg.com/Product/Prod [...] 6817341044

As I was looking at the cable hook up in the video card manual, I noticed that for this card it has one of the middle slots in the six pin connector blacked out ( the one's that plug into the video card). The pci express cables that came with the psu have all six pins with none blacked out. The pci express cables also have two additional pins that would make it an 8 pin for a more powerful card I guess. So my question here is, will this be ok or do I need some sort of adapter? Hope I'm making sense, and thanks for the patience shown on these forums towards this noob. :)


Ohh man, I'm sorry. I'll repost the links. Well in the video card manual it has a small diagram of what the six pin connector should look like. It has one of the pins blacked out, kind of like there should not be a pin there. The pci express cable that came with the psu has all 6 pins. Hard to really explain it w/o a picture I suppose. It does plug into the card fine though.

Ya we can't get to look at what you bought the links are no good. Please try to fix them so we can help and post all of your spec's.
Don't worry about black out as long as the 6 pin connecters fit it will work just fine. They are not going to give you the wrong cable to hook up your card and your PSU is big enough to handle your card. Good luck to you.

Hey DM186, thank you so much for the response. I need a lil encouragement. :wahoo:
Hi traumaiv. They sent some cables with like one end of the cable like a white three pronged molex I believe it is, and the other end a six pin with one of the little metal parts missing out of it. I guess that's what I meant by blacked out in the manual. Maybe this setup was intended to go to the mb?
Cool, I sure hope it all works out ok. I really wanted to build one, and really have no exp. I've managed to install the mb, cpu, psu, and memory. I have the hd, and optical drive mounted, but not wired. That's going to be my next dillema. Also an NZXT Phantom case with all the fans is a little scary on where to connect all the fans. :)
Oh yeah, I also have the card installed. Thank you all for the help. I'm sure I'll be posting some more questions in the not too distant future. Thanks again and best to all of you. :)