EVGA 970x2 VS GTX 980 ti


Jun 29, 2014
I am going to buy either the 980 ti or two 970s and put them in sli. My question is, which choice would give me better performance? The price would be about the same so what is the difference? I will be gaming at 1080p

970- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487088

980 ti- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487142&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Desktop+Graphics+Cards-_-N82E16814487142&gclid=CPq-vsSyq8YCFQ4paQodZiIOOw&gclsrc=aw.ds
Well I have 2 970s and I game at 1080p, pretty much never drop under 60FPS on any game maxed 4x MSAA.

With DX12 coming and VRAM stacking in DX12 supported games, the 3.5 shouldn't be an issue.

Note : It's not literally VRAM stacking, each card will work on a portion of the screen. But you COULD call it vram stacking.

Also, Dual 970s outperform Titan X.
hello my friend.a gtx 980ti is the better option because of more memory and being just one card.you will have a little less raw power in games that use sli well(having no sli problems)compared to 970sli.gtx 980ti's more memory is a very effective and important factor for future proofing or playing with 4k DSR if you wish to.DSR will make games look really better.
Well I have 2 970s and I game at 1080p, pretty much never drop under 60FPS on any game maxed 4x MSAA.

With DX12 coming and VRAM stacking in DX12 supported games, the 3.5 shouldn't be an issue.

Note : It's not literally VRAM stacking, each card will work on a portion of the screen. But you COULD call it vram stacking.

Also, Dual 970s outperform Titan X.
dx12 memory stacking must be supported by developers and that means more work.looking at the current status of PC video games,i am not gonna count on it being implemented well by these lazy developers.SLI is not supported optimally in every game.i got two gtx 970 and i am happy with them but i am not gonna count on memory stacking much.even if it is supported,i doubt we are gonna get good results with most of the games.

Won't know till it happens ;D

Get the single 980ti I run SLI 970's on 3 monitors and it's not what I expected I will be selling my whole PC soon and upgrading to the X99 platform and 2K monitors.


you are completely right my friend but because of the sad status of PC games optimization,i am not hopeful that much.man we pc gamers pay a lot for better experience but they give us broken unoptimized games.