EVGA gtx 660ti

Not really, lol. What you get in the super clocked version you can get yourself in the regular version by manually overclocking. It's such a marginal factory overclock too...I'm not even sure it'd be a noticeable difference in performance unless you were recording and comparing FPS.
For a 660 ti, i would get a non reference card with a better cooling system(unless you have poor airflow in the case) : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127697

The 660 ti is a good card for the money, it all depends on the games that you're playing, the 660 ti offers physX and other exclusive features and better drivers.
The 7950 in some games outperforms the 660 ti, and if you want the games that the 7950 offers(far cry 3 and bioshock infinite), then the 7950 might be a good option for you, like this one : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125414 (there're others).