It is amazing how many different power supplies EVGA makes. There is the usual 550,650,750,850, 1000, and 1600 watts. The GA, GM, GT, GQ, a plain, cheap G+, and so many others. Then comes the superNOVA branded ones with their G(gold), P(platinum), and T (titanium) efficiencies. Each of THESE superNOVA families has G2, G3, G5, and G6: P2 through P6; and the super expensive T series. I have an EVGA superNOVA 850 G2 which I bought because it was on a great sale and I trust EVGA in most things. I hope a good rating on a 750 G6 means a good rating on a superNOVA 850 G6 which will be needed with my Alder Lake build coming up.