The real issue seems to be the fact that Nvidia slashed the retail pricing on THEIR reference cards in order to get rid of inventory before the new series was released, and this put too much of a strain on EVGA. As to why just EVGA gave up, it obviously falls to the fact that they don't manufacture their own products and this means their profits were already lower to begin with. So now that Nvidia has slashed pricing, EVGA went from making %5 profit margin ( $100 on a 3090ti) to a loss of $900 per 3090ti. Obviously this is the most extreme because of the price drop, but you can see why EVGA lost their cool when Nvidia did this. It also falls to the fact that EVGA was a Video Card company, as %80 of their revenue came from GPU sales. A company with this small of a focus can't compete with the likes of ASUS, Gigabyte, MSI, all of which are massive conglomerates that can weather both changes in revenue streams and profit margins. EVGA was just too small and too focused for its own good.