EVO 850 Pro 2TB - little or no market demand?

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Feb 14, 2007
I read a couple of articles (Not on Tom's) That at CES when asked about 2TB SSD's Samsung said they have them, they are ready for market, but "Samsung" felt that the demand for them from the market was either very low or not there.

Is Samsung smoking crack? I am looking to put an mSATA and 2 SSD's in my Alienware laptop and have been holding out (Holding out upgrading from hard drives) to SSD's because they don't have enough space and cost too much.

If I could get a 2TB mSATA for a boot drive and then take the 2 hard drive bays and put a 2TB SSD in each bay, that puts me at 6TB on my laptop.

*Why do I need 6TB on my laptop? I work with 80mp medium format images and edit 4k video on my laptop.

No I don't need that for email, Chrome, Firefox, Playing WOW? who plays wow anymore anyway....
Now that the 2TB SSDs are out at under $1000 US, I predict they will FLY off the shelves, just like the 1TB did when they went in the high hundreds in price, and especially when they hit $500 US. LOTS of pent up demand. Me included :)

Where are they out? I haven't been able to find any available for purchase...

Ah, thanks. So they're still not out yet. So many articles made it sound like they were out last week, but it looks like we'll have to wait until next week to put these guys in our computers!

EDIT: it looks like only the EVO is scheduled to be released next week. The PRO still doesn't have a release date, at least as of today: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147440 . It just says it's a pre-release item and that we can be notified when it becomes available.
Why would they be low demand? Doesn't make much sense. Games nowadays take a nice amount of space. 30-60 GB, some even more. And I like to have ALL of my games on SSD's. No sense in having one on an HDD when you can have it on an SSD, sure, it's CHEAPER to put it on a HDD, but... in the long run... you may as well spend the extra money on an SSD.
Why would anyone need a large SSD?

I need as large and fast a SSD as possible to run VMs of app servers and Oracle databases to do offsite development and troubleshooting for my clients. Mainly the database needs the SSD for I/O reasons as at least it runs fairly good with a single device as apposed to a HDD which is slow as molasses.

So 2TB - sign me up, and let me know when you have something even larger please.
one thing that I am wondering is did any of you look at how long ago I posted the question? it was in 2014 or 2013 I think and storage needs have grown in speed and size so now yes there is a Samsung 850 pro 2TB drive but then there wasnt
How many consumers are going to dump $1000 on an SSD? Very few. The price to capacity ratio just isn't there yet.

Maybe if it was 10TB, or if the 2TB drive was $500-600. Simple fact is most users whose applications will really benefit from SSD's can sort themselves out with a 500GB drive for $250.

The OP cites his corner case scenario as a reason why Samsung should flood the market. Fact is, most people are NOT using the drives as he is, and do NOT need the performance he craves. And certainly not at that price.

I can populate my home server with 18TB of mechanical storage for the same price as that one Samsung drive and still have completely acceptable performance.

Hopefully, sometime during 2017 the price/GB will be low enough that I could consider beginning to replace my mechanical drives.

I don't know where you are gettint that insane number from but a SATA SSD isn't that expensive anymore M.2 ones yes as well as PCIE one too but SATA SSDs aren't as in this link
for a SATA 6Gbps 2TB EVO drive and
for a 2TB Pro drive but as there isn't any difference I would go with the EVO drive instead
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