Expand my storage

Expand my storage...My laptop doesn't have enough memory. Can I use my external hard drive to expand my memory?

Do you see the issue? As mentioned above, you need to pick what the problem is. Hard drives/storage is where you store the stuff on your PC. RAM/memory is an area where your PC stores stuff while it works on things before being moved back to the hard drive. Are you running out of room to store stuff? Or is your PC saying it's running out of memory and to close programs?

If the problem is storing stuff then yes, move things to the external hard drive. If the problem is ram related, you need to buy new/more ram and install it.
If it's really RAM your referring to as opposed to storage space, then the only remedy is to add more RAM.

If, as the title suggests, it's more storage space you need, then you can indeed use an external HDD for that (documents, videos, pictures etc. but not to install applications on).

Storage space is not memory, please don't get the two confused.

Given the complete lack of information we have from the OP, ReadyBoost is a useless recommendation.