Exporting search results and producing drive maps


Jul 25, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

I've done a search on my drive to locate all the Power Point files and came
up with 1712 results. I need to export these results to a user friendly
format (preferably xls) so that I have the name of the file, the location,
the size and the date modified. How do I go about doing this?

I am also interested in creating a tree diagram that will show the entire
structure of my drive, i.e. think something like the explore's bar view
folders option with expand all. MS DOS PROMP will give you such an option but
it's not really user friendly.


Aug 24, 2003
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

For the tree diagram use the tree command. It can be redirected to a file
type tree /? in a command prompt for info.

"Panos" <Panos@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I've done a search on my drive to locate all the Power Point files and
> came
> up with 1712 results. I need to export these results to a user friendly
> format (preferably xls) so that I have the name of the file, the location,
> the size and the date modified. How do I go about doing this?
> I am also interested in creating a tree diagram that will show the entire
> structure of my drive, i.e. think something like the explore's bar view
> folders option with expand all. MS DOS PROMP will give you such an option
> but
> it's not really user friendly.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

You can drag a folder from (say explorer) on to the file. You can put it in Sendto, type sendto in Start Run, copy the file into the sendto folder, then right click the folder you want to list, Send To, PrintDetailsAppend. Sending To simulates a drag and drop.

Then import the file into excel, delete the columns you don't want (as most are blank for any individual type of file, eg MP3 don't have a Date Picture Taken and JPEGs don't have a Genre property), sort it on description and delete the files you don't want. That will leave just the properties and files you want. This is the most general purpose way I can think of to meet everyones needs.

A drive is the same as a folder for these purposes.

Attached is a VBScript that generate the shell properties (what you see or could see in Explorer). It is a 51 column csv. There is about 40 properties on a standard XP and I've allowed about 10 columns for custom properties that applications may add. Those whove seen it before this one automatically finds the desktop rather than editing the script. To use, drop a folder on it or place in Sendto and send a folder to it. If using the for command (below) you must run it once whereever you put it so it can be found.

To do sub folders type in a command prompt in the folder that you want to start in (It also does the parent folder - a quirk of For)
for /r %A in (.) do start "" /w "PrintDetailsAppend" "%~dpA"

It creates a file on the desktop called Folder Property List.txt. Sort it in Excel and delete the files you don't want.

Copy the following line into a text document and rename it to PrintDetailsAppend.vbs

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set Ag=Wscript.Arguments
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\" & Wscript.ScriptName & "\", Chr(34) & Wscript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34)
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\" & Left(Wscript.ScriptName, Len(Wscript.ScriptName)-3) & "exe" & "\", Chr(34) & Wscript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34)

Set Fldr=objShell.NameSpace(Ag(0))

Set FldrItems=Fldr.Items
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set DeskFldr=objShell.Namespace(16)
FName=fso.buildpath(DeskFldr.self.path, "Folder Property List.txt")

Set ts = fso_OpenTextFile(FName, 8, vbtrue)

For x = 0 to 50
t1 = t1 & Fldr.GetDetailsOf(vbnull, x) & " (Shell)" & vbtab
ts.write FLDR.self.path &vbcrlf
ts.Write T1 & vbcrlf

For Each FldrItem in FldrItems
For x = 0 to 50
t1 = t1 & Fldr.GetDetailsOf(FldrItem, x) & vbtab
t1=t1 & vbcrlf
ts.Write T1

"Laurel" <FakeMail@Hotmail.com> wrote in message news:Of1b0cSFFHA.3504@TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
> Is there a way to get a printout of the contents of a folder, as seen in IE?
> If there are few enough files, I can make a screen shot and print that. But
> it becomes too cumbersome if all files are not visible at once.

"Panos" <Panos@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message news:A17EC592-E3AD-40CE-B31F-D996F2F34A53@microsoft.com...
> I've done a search on my drive to locate all the Power Point files and came
> up with 1712 results. I need to export these results to a user friendly
> format (preferably xls) so that I have the name of the file, the location,
> the size and the date modified. How do I go about doing this?
> I am also interested in creating a tree diagram that will show the entire
> structure of my drive, i.e. think something like the explore's bar view
> folders option with expand all. MS DOS PROMP will give you such an option but
> it's not really user friendly.


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Panos wrote:

> I've done a search on my drive to locate all the Power Point files and came
> up with 1712 results. I need to export these results to a user friendly
> format (preferably xls) so that I have the name of the file, the location,
> the size and the date modified. How do I go about doing this?

I suggest you use the free Agent Ransack for this.

Download it from here:

Agent Ransack can save the search result to a file (or clipboard),
as text, comma separated text or tab separated text. E.g. Excel
reads comma separated text (csv) very well.

> I am also interested in creating a tree diagram that will show the entire
> structure of my drive, i.e. think something like the explore's bar view
> folders option with expand all. MS DOS PROMP will give you such an option but
> it's not really user friendly.

torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of
the 1328 page Scripting Guide:


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?)

Will you stop spamming these groups with your lies and drivel.

"Torgeir Bakken (MVP)" <Torgeir.Bakken-spam@hydro.com> wrote in message news:ORwHObJhFHA.3608@TK2MSFTNGP12.phx.gbl...
> Panos wrote:
>> I've done a search on my drive to locate all the Power Point files and came
>> up with 1712 results. I need to export these results to a user friendly
>> format (preferably xls) so that I have the name of the file, the location,
>> the size and the date modified. How do I go about doing this?
> I suggest you use the free Agent Ransack for this.
> Download it from here:
> http://www.mythicsoft.com/agentransack/default.aspx
> Agent Ransack can save the search result to a file (or clipboard),
> as text, comma separated text or tab separated text. E.g. Excel
> reads comma separated text (csv) very well.
>> I am also interested in creating a tree diagram that will show the entire
>> structure of my drive, i.e. think something like the explore's bar view
>> folders option with expand all. MS DOS PROMP will give you such an option but
>> it's not really user friendly.
> --
> torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
> Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of
> the 1328 page Scripting Guide:
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/default.mspx