Extending WiFi range to garage 100ft away


Dec 7, 2017
I have a detached garage about 100ft away from my house. I currently have Spectrum modem for my computer in the house. How can I get a WiFi signal to my garage to run a security camera. I have a nvr for the camera but need cat 5 connection.
It depends a lot on how strong the WIFI signal is from your router out in the garage.

I would first consider powerline device if the garage and house are on the same electrical meter.

Your first attempt would be a directional bridge like engenius enh202 (this is just a example there are many both from engenius and ubiquiti). You would put this in the garage and point it at the house and see if you get a usable signal. It is not actually designed for that purpose but at that short a range the signals will go through walls.

If that does not work you then buy 2 units and put one on the house and one on the garage. As long as they have clear line of sight you will get a very good connection at that distance even with the low cost...
It depends a lot on how strong the WIFI signal is from your router out in the garage.

I would first consider powerline device if the garage and house are on the same electrical meter.

Your first attempt would be a directional bridge like engenius enh202 (this is just a example there are many both from engenius and ubiquiti). You would put this in the garage and point it at the house and see if you get a usable signal. It is not actually designed for that purpose but at that short a range the signals will go through walls.

If that does not work you then buy 2 units and put one on the house and one on the garage. As long as they have clear line of sight you will get a very good connection at that distance even with the low cost units.

Now which exact unit you choose depends on what radio bands your router runs on and how much bandwidth you need. There many option for both 2.4g and 5g bands as well as units that run 802.11n or 802.11ac.

Do you have a breezeway or an open space between the garage and house where you could run some cabling (either above or buried below)?