Question Extension cable/pc killing my IEMs?

Apr 3, 2023
Hi guys,
I need some help with my IEMs as they seem to
break? I've been using my Truthear X Crinnacle Zero's
for about 6 months
with a "MillSO headset extension cable". The left
speaker suddenly
broke which led to it being really quiet and sounding
muffled. While
returning them and ordering new ones, I started using
the Salnotes 7hz
Zero which I had laying around and only been using
outdoors before. Now,
all of the sudden, just after about a week of indoors use
(plugged in
my pc with previously mentioned extension cable), they
seem to have the
same problems like my Truthear Zero's did. It looks like
it's really the
left speaker for both pairs as changing cables and
audio sources didn't
seem to help. Am I just going crazy or could it be my
extension cable
which is destroying my in ears? I'm really looking
forward to your
answers/help. (Sorry for any grammatical mistakes)
Hi guys,
I need some help with my IEMs as they seem to
break? I've been using my Truthear X Crinnacle Zero's
for about 6 months
with a "MillSO headset extension cable". The left
speaker suddenly
broke which led to it being really quiet and sounding
muffled. While
returning them and ordering new ones, I started using
the Salnotes 7hz
Zero which I had laying around and only been using
outdoors before. Now,
all of the sudden, just after about a week of indoors use
(plugged in
my pc with previously mentioned extension cable), they
seem to have the
same problems like my Truthear Zero's did. It looks like
it's really the
left speaker for both pairs as changing cables and
audio sources didn't
seem to help. Am I just going crazy or could it be my
extension cable
which is destroying my in ears? I'm really looking
forward to your
answers/help. (Sorry for any grammatical mistakes)
Edit: Sorry for that weird formatting, dunno what happened.