external connecting fujitsu mhu2100at


Dec 11, 2017
I have the standard usb/ide/sata external adapter, but the mhu2100at evidently has 4 pins for connect power which I have not seen before and my external connector does not have an adapter for this. and I don't see anything so far web searching. so ..... how to connect and power this drive externally via usb? a pic should be showing next line I used insert pic from the menu and gave it a url but it is not showing up in the preview so I hope its there


also not seeing any other way to attach pic except for url? am I missing it somewhere? problems before with url's for pics due to the pic hosting sites being blocked by company firewalls. also, call me lazy, but why not just have a pic attach/upload functionality? so much easier than to go post pics to someplace where I can get a public url
ok trying again to get a pic up with this post, this time trying link from menu instead of pic should be after this line and this time just in case the pic does not come again the url=https://ibb.co/huAEjb thats on imagebb
ok thanks guess the disk is flakey, I did just plug it once but it didn't spin up so I thought it was due to no power, tried to figure out those pins from the fujitsu manual but didn't catch the jumper or anything really, so after your post tried again and then it spun up but didn't come up in explorer, which kinda jibbed with what I was told about the disk's machine not booting, then luckily, after unplugging usb and replug, it spun up and came up, I'm busily copying it right now while its functional, thanks for your help, must say I don't remember attaching a drive with out a power connector but I guess those were all the bigger factor drives used in pc's not laptop drives like this one like this one, thanks again