external hard drive not detected


Jul 11, 2014
So i connected my external hd to my laptop. There was a sound signalling that it was connected but when i opened my computer , i didn't find my hard drive. The light is also not blinking

Did it work there previously?

On same USB ports ?

Today I had a USB 3.0 1TB 2.5" drive which connected to front case ports but not rear ports (all USB 2.0 on a Dell midi tower)

Probably due to available power not enough

Does it connect to other pc's ?

Is it a 2.5" or 3.5" drive

Look in device manager?
Anything shown ?

Mike Barnes
yes it did. it was working fine yesterday but i had formatted my laptop (dont know if that's relevant or anything). i tried it on all my usb ports it still isn't detected :/
this is the only computer at home so i can't really try it out on other computers. reagarding the 2.5 or 3.5 drive i dont really know where can i find that out? sorry m not really good with this stuff:))

After formatting c: and re installing windows did you re install the motherboard chipset drivers ?

Some times there are also USB drivers
Check on laptop manufacturers web site

External 3.5" drives always need an external psu
While most 2.5" drives can run on power from USB port

Mike Barnes

ohh. a friend of mine reformatted my laptop bec. i need to use a 64 bit application but my laptop OS is 32 bit. he did smoethig to the partition i think.