D dickdastardly Distinguished Jan 18, 2012 1 0 18,510 Jan 18, 2012 #1 Hello, lacie 1 tb external hard drive was accidentally reformatted to8gb now cannot access previous data
Hello, lacie 1 tb external hard drive was accidentally reformatted to8gb now cannot access previous data
kajabla Splendid Mar 31, 2011 4,672 0 23,460 Jan 18, 2012 #2 You'll have to use some kind of recovery software. You could pay a tech store to do it for you, but it'd be expensive. If you haven't done much to the drive since then (don't do ANYTHING), it should work. Upvote 0 Downvote
You'll have to use some kind of recovery software. You could pay a tech store to do it for you, but it'd be expensive. If you haven't done much to the drive since then (don't do ANYTHING), it should work.
Ubrales Polypheme Dec 3, 2009 13,240 11 61,465 Jan 19, 2012 #3 First, stop writing to the drive. Download 'RECUVA' and see whether that helps. Here are a whole bunch of data recovery programs, some free - https://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS359&q=hard+drive+write+only&btnG=Google+Search#pq=data+recovery&hl=en&sugexp=pfwl&tok=_XFRefllme5fFxsFsZDgiw&cp=16&gs_id=1y&xhr=t&q=data+recovery+software&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS359&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=data+recovery+so&aq=0e&aqi=g-e2g2&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=1ac5b1897ec389df&biw=1280&bih=907 Upvote 0 Downvote
First, stop writing to the drive. Download 'RECUVA' and see whether that helps. Here are a whole bunch of data recovery programs, some free - https://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS359&q=hard+drive+write+only&btnG=Google+Search#pq=data+recovery&hl=en&sugexp=pfwl&tok=_XFRefllme5fFxsFsZDgiw&cp=16&gs_id=1y&xhr=t&q=data+recovery+software&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUS359&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=data+recovery+so&aq=0e&aqi=g-e2g2&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=1ac5b1897ec389df&biw=1280&bih=907