Question (external) harddisk durability check


Oct 21, 2015
how do i test new hard drives properly?
i have the feeling that a hard drive starts acting up as soon as it reaches a certain capacity.
crystaldiskmark and info show good values. (Checkdsk also)
but windows hangs in some process (for example when i create a 100GB test file with fsutil createnew the explorer hangs there),
or the disk is not recognized and has to be reformatted
and it takes forever to copy a file to the disk.

is there another useful program?
otherwise I have just discovered the backblaze reports for me.
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Is this a new drive? RTM if in doubt & possible.

Writing a 100GB file on a small 5400rpm mechanical hard drive may take a long, long, while. Half an hour, give or take, during which little else could be done with the drive.

I remember slow copy performance as a symptom of certain common viruses, or first versions of Windows Vista, but that's years ago.
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but when I copy something on an external hard drive from the hard drive to the hard drive, it is actually very fast (item by item, not by MB).
on my computer I can copy the files on one of the internal well and access it I think it is not.

yes it is a completely new hard drive.
I can not find RTM ?

the copy speeds also vary quite a bit, i have now tried it with 1Gb large and 10GB large files
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