Question External HDD Causing any PC to CRASH


Mar 22, 2016
Hi, I have an issue where my external HDD causes any PC it's plugged in to get a BSOD, I downloaded some torrents and maybe that had something to do with the HDD deciding to kill itself?

The crash occurs as soon as the windows sound pops up for USB devices (right after plugging the HDD in) I tried leaving the HDD plugged in until i rebooted to no avail, I also tried plugging it in in Safe mode

but was also presented with the same issue, I have old pictures from years ago on that drive, is there any way to fix this? I can't even get into the HDD before the crash occurs

Also I live in Egypt, which means Data recovery isn't an option.



Well since its an external HDD, you do have the possibility that inside it there is a regular HDD that you could either mount internally to a pc or move to another new external drive enclosure.

The small external drives often have the USB port built right into the HDD and that obviously couldn't be moved to a new enclosure, so you have have to google your external's model# to find out what is inside it.


Mar 22, 2016
Sounds like a dead/dying drive.
You waited too long to worry about the old pics on it.
I didn't wait for anything, it happened all of a sudden without any noise from the HDD itself.

Well since its an external HDD, you do have the possibility that inside it there is a regular HDD that you could either mount internally to a pc or move to another new external drive enclosure.

The small external drives often have the USB port built right into the HDD and that obviously couldn't be moved to a new enclosure, so you have have to google your external's model# to find out what is inside it.
I'll see what i can do thanks :)