External HDD with Portable Windows on it for Gaming ?

Jul 9, 2018
Hello Everyone.
I've just built a PC for my video editing work that is capable of gaming very well.
and i have windows 10 installed on it, and i don't want to install games on my host OS as that will slow down my editing performance.
and i have a extra external drive.
so i want my external drive to have a version of windows installed on it that does not have any boot priorities in my bios. i want it to boot from it only when i want to play games.(because i don't want to dual-boot)
i just want to play a few games that are not very graphic intensive, old titles like CS:GO, Far Cry 3 and Just Cause 2 etc.
thank you :)

Yes it is definitely possible, I have been doing that with kali linux for years now. However boot speed and every operation related to storage (such as loading time) will be slowed down, as the USB interface is processed by the CPU, while the SATA interface is processed externally. So read/write operations will increase the load on your CPU.

Hope this answers your question 😀

Will it affect my gaming experience ?
i got a Nvidia GTX 1050ti-ex-oc.
And about read/write times, waht if it is connected to USB 3.0 ?
And abour CPU processing i got a pretty powerful AMD Ryzen 5 1600 six core processor
Thanks You :)