Question External SSD disconnecting when transfering files TO it.

Jan 27, 2023
So I have this weird issue. I have a WD External SSD 1TB which I can transfer files FROM it to another location without any issue. But the moment I try transferring files TO it, it always disconnects and then reconnects (including updating any games on it). I tried formatting it but the same issue keeps happening. It uses a type C port connection. Would appreciate help solving this.


File Transfer: Source ----> Target.

WD External SSD 1TB is the target - correct?

What is that "other location"; the Source? What type of files are you attempting to transfer? File sizes?

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include disk drive(s): Make, model, capacity, how full?

Are you certain that the observed behavior (disconnect/reconnect) is what is really happening?

No error messages, pop-up windows, explanations of any sort regarding failed transfers?

Look in Reliability History and Event Viewer. Either tool or both may be capturing some error codes, warnings, or even informational events related to the attempted file transfers.

Check the Read/Write permissions: Users, Drives, Folders, Individual files.


Oct 6, 2020
  1. Use different adapter/enclosure/cable
  2. View Disk wear on CrystalDiskMark
  3. View the activity graph in windows task manager.
There might be diversified range of problems to look after. In my experience, I think it is a firmware/connection error.