[citation][nom]Pherule[/nom]Clicking "Read the comments on the forums" allows you to edit your post.No it's not really like WoW.WoW requires monthly subscriptions, PoE is completely free.WoW is an mmorpg, PoE is just an RPG, though it is played online, there is quite a difference.WoW is bright and has childish graphics, PoE is dark and gritty (this is a good thing)WoW was made by Blizzard, PoE was made by GGG (though I hear that some of the original Diablo 1/2 devs are working for GGG)Think of PoE as a modern version of Diablo 1 & 2. It makes use the same isometric, top-down view.[/citation]
personal taste here, but realistic is only good so long as you have a crap ton of choice...
i hate "real" looking games that limit me on how i want to look in a game, or where i can play them for 8+hours but couldnt for the life of you tell you what the difference, visually at least, is between level 1 and level 20 gear.
i dont know how this game is, im just stateing that i would rather have a game styleised and see massive difference in gear, apposed to realistic and need to look at the stats of gear to see any form of a difference.