Yesterday my computer and internet were fine. Today I hop on my computer after work, go on my usual sites of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch. After a few minutes of browsing I get DNS errors and can't connect to any website, not just those 3. Even Steam isn't connected. My wifi and my PS4 have no issues with my internet or router. I did some troubleshooting for about an hour, ipconfig stuff in command prompt, changing my DNS to Google's, resetting the router, my computer. Outside of resetting the router, every troubleshoot requires a restart, and so when I do, everything works again, for a few minutes. Resetting the router or plugging in the ethernet to a different port, or just unplugging and plugging it back in doesn't work. Only resetting the computer will get me back an internet connection for a few minutes.
But here's the kicker. My testing of making sure the internet is working is logging in to the 3 sites I listed. So after giving in and thinking I was going to need to reset my computer with a fresh version of Windows, I started downloading all my programs onto a flash drive, trying to do this quick enough before the internet would go out again. Except this time it didn't. The only thing I didn't do this last time was log into my 3 sites. Is this possible? Can visiting those websites time out my computers connection to my ISP? Or is it just a fluke this time, or was the fix something I already did? I'm scared to log into those websites again to verify if it's one of them or not, but nothing has changed with my computer since yesterday, not that I can tell at least.
But here's the kicker. My testing of making sure the internet is working is logging in to the 3 sites I listed. So after giving in and thinking I was going to need to reset my computer with a fresh version of Windows, I started downloading all my programs onto a flash drive, trying to do this quick enough before the internet would go out again. Except this time it didn't. The only thing I didn't do this last time was log into my 3 sites. Is this possible? Can visiting those websites time out my computers connection to my ISP? Or is it just a fluke this time, or was the fix something I already did? I'm scared to log into those websites again to verify if it's one of them or not, but nothing has changed with my computer since yesterday, not that I can tell at least.