The very term "fake news", started and became popularized as a desperate and childish, last gasp attempt by the establishment and the mainstream media that obediently supports it, to influence its dwindling audience and potential voters around the last couple months of the election and onward.
Wikileaks continues to have a profound impact on the political arena. Alternative news sites like RT, zerohedge, and others have as well. Rather than acting like adults and accepting we've every right to access the other side of a given story the MSM refuses to report, by looking to alternative media and making up our own minds... terms like "fake news" are conjured by those who lament the fact the MSM is no longer as powerful or viewed anywhere near as credible as they once were, and likely never will be ever again...
"Fake News!", they cry. Despite the fact none of the info released by wikileaks, none of what they've been calling "fake", has been denied or disproved by those it's been leveled against.
The parting shots by the outgoing administration toward the incoming, it's attempt to scapegoat Russia on just about any and everything; the report released by the DNI which reads like an unprofessional memo of unsubstantiated allegations and a lot of whining about how voters were able to make more informed decisions thanks to alternative media sources. It'd seem this tit for tat juvenile nonsense about "fake news" is nothing more than a lot of sour grapes by the principals of a corrupt establishment that has grown far too entrenched, and gotten used to getting away with far too much, for far too long.
And finally... Facebook... The above article states: "The question is whether or not it will work. Facebook doesn't have the best track record when it comes to supporting the media."
I'd disagree on this point 100%. Facebook ultimately is just another tool of the establishment. The very notion of Facebook battling the 'Fake News' problem is laughable, and indicates Facebook will do more to censor information that doesn't fit the narrative pushed by the Main Stream Media. This isn't about sensational pics and made up click-bait nonsense information anyone with common sense easily can debunk. It's about targeting and censoring the very kind of credible stories that give us the other side of the story which the MSM refuses to cover. Just with a more robust effort than before, is all, apparently.