Facebook Security Flaw Exposed Details of Six Million

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this is what happens when you attempt to to be bigger than what you need to be in the first place Facebook. you tried to jump on the stock market and your stocks tanked, tried charging for post advertisements and that failed, and your spam security has always been the worse.
One of those "Ooops, I did it again" moments for FB again, but no probs, with the government snooping all communications the data is not private anyway so no harm done ...
Imagine the price FaceBook--and all companies with breaches involving their customers-- had to notify those consumers directly of that breach. You could be a victim of this breach. I could be a victim of this breach. Imagine 6 million consumers raising their voices to loudly complain to FaceBook and other consumer and law enforcement entities about violation of their privacy. Breaches would virtually cease because of the price such companies would have to pay. Was your information breached by FaceBook? What would be your reaction if you knew others had your information when the company policy promised that would not happen? Shouldn't those companies have some higher responsibility for carelessly allowing their information to get into the hands of others? Shouldn't the security level with which they guard their own private information be the same security level used to guard your information? If 6 million FaceBook subscribers knew their info was breached, would they likely cancel their subscription? Would that have an impact on FaceBook and other such companies to take extremely seriously the security of their customers? Policy changes need to occur requiring companies to provide direct notice to individuals whose security is breached.
Yeah... i mostly post fun pics on FB to make my friends laugh. Not sure why ppl would put information on FB they dont want the world to know...its like giving a candy to a child and saying "dont eat that"... are people really that dumb in my generation?

Get out of home and meet with the person you want to talk to... or somethin.
Facebook: Whoops! While making it easier for the NSA to access to all your private information, we accidentally opened up a security flaw allowing non-NSA personnel to access it. Sorry! We'll be more careful in the future when we make backdoors for the not-bound-by-law NSA. Maybe. Actually, we here at Facebook screw up a lot and really don't give two shits about you or your privacy. You know what? We don't apologize, and what are you going to do about it? Use Google+, or go back to MySpace? Don't make us laugh.
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