News Facebook Uses Two-Factor Authentication Phone Numbers to Help Users Find You


Asst. Managing Editor
Staff member
May 16, 2016
Despite saying phone numbers used for 2FA wouldn't be used for anything else, Facebook actually uses those numbers to help people find their friends' accounts. Read more here.


Nathaniel Mott is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He covers software and hardware component news.
Never had a Facebook or MySpace account, and never wanted one. Never buckled under pressure from a few of my family members, and friends, to create one. I was pestered many years ago to join all of them, but it simply was not in my interest.

No doubt about it, social media can be a great way for family and friends to keep up with one another, and share some pics and vids, or what ever, but at what price are you paying? I never use my real name, or any other sensitive info when registering for free accounts online. Well, except for here. My real name is Dookie Draws. My father, Clean, has an incredible sense of humor. To this day, I still can't believe mom allowed him to name my sister Easy. :LOL:

So, yeah, screw Facebook and their lying, sneaky ways!
Feb 14, 2019
Yep, Facebook is reprehensible in doing this. But, also don't give Google a pass for doing some of the same things. They give your information all over the place. That and advertising is how they make their money. People need to put the screws to Google also!!!!!!!!!