Question Failing HDD?


Dec 22, 2016
Hi there!

Sorry for the lenght of my post... :D

I have dual boot system: win7 on HDD, win10 on SSD. 2 days ago there was a power outage for a second while I used my computer on the win 10 OS. The pc immediately turned back on and it worked fine. Yesterday after 1-2 hours of web browsing on the win10, I decided to play some games. When I double clicked the launcher the game didn't launch but the following message appeared: this app can't run on your pc.

I had no idea what was it. Right after I tried again and the game successfully launched. I checked the event viewer and I saw an unusal error around the time I tried to launch the game: The IO operation at logical block address 0x175eea90 for Disk 0 (PDO name: \Device\00000031) failed due to a hardware error.

Disk 0 is the HDD in my system. Although I launch the game from the win10 OS, it's installed on the HDD. I've checked the disks with hd sentinel. It came back as there is 1 weak sector on the HDD and 200(?) pending sectors. I also checked it with Crystaldisk.



The HDD is a Western Digital WD Blue 500GB 16MB 7200rpm SATA3. It came as part of a refurbished PC in 2020 I am currently using. The date on the HDD says it is from 2014.

Could the blackout caused this? Is it the end of the HDD? Can these sectors be fixed?

I already tried to fix it with hdsentinel but it's not a free feature...
I ran a chkdsk also, which looks like was a waste of time.
Althought its 75% full, I keep my critical data on the SSD and on multiple pendrives as I had a feeling for a while I can't trust the HDD. I literally thinking about buying a new 1TB SSD in the recent days as I kinda ran out of space, and I also want to replace my 10 years old PSU...


Hi there!

Sorry for the lenght of my post... :D

I have dual boot system: win7 on HDD, win10 on SSD. 2 days ago there was a power outage for a second while I used my computer on the win 10 OS. The pc immediately turned back on and it worked fine. Yesterday after 1-2 hours of web browsing on the win10, I decided to play some games. When I double clicked the launcher the game didn't launch but the following message appeared: this app can't run on your pc.

I had no idea what was it. Right after I tried again and the game successfully launched. I checked the event viewer and I saw an unusal error around the time I tried to launch the game: The IO operation at logical block address 0x175eea90 for Disk 0 (PDO name: \Device\00000031) failed due to a hardware error.

Disk 0 is the HDD in my system. Although I launch the game from the win10 OS, it's installed on the HDD. I've checked the disks with hd sentinel. It came back as there is 1 weak sector on the HDD and 200(?) pending sectors. I also checked it with Crystaldisk.



The HDD is a Western Digital WD Blue 500GB 16MB 7200rpm SATA3. It came as part of a refurbished PC in 2020 I am currently using. The date on the HDD says it is from 2014.

Could the blackout caused this? Is it the end of the HDD? Can these sectors be fixed?

I already tried to fix it with hdsentinel but it's not a free feature...
I ran a chkdsk also, which looks like was a waste of time.
Althought its 75% full, I keep my critical data on the SSD and on multiple pendrives as I had a feeling for a while I can't trust the HDD. I literally thinking about buying a new 1TB SSD in the recent days as I kinda ran out of space, and I also want to replace my 10 years old PSU...
Hard drives are not generally "fixable". You should assume it will totally fail soon and prepare for it. A full backup with frequent (daily) incrementals.
BUT, this advice is the same for a new disk. Any disk can fail at any time. You should assume it will and prepare for it.


Dec 22, 2016
In this case, I will replace it with a 1TB Samsung 870 EVO SSD in the near future. While every data is backed up (installation files, ISOs etc.), the amount of installations and copying would take days or even a week, so I'm planning to simply clone the disk. (around 390 GB)

Is it a good idea to clone the disk in its current state? Or should I try to fix it? A software called Victoria was mentioned in the other threads for fixing this pending sector. Not sure if it's worth the time...

Also, I'm planning to use Samsung Data Migration Tool for the cloning. What are your opinions?


In this case, I will replace it with a 1TB Samsung 870 EVO SSD in the near future. While every data is backed up (installation files, ISOs etc.), the amount of installations and copying would take days or even a week, so I'm planning to simply clone the disk. (around 390 GB)

Is it a good idea to clone the disk in its current state? Or should I try to fix it? A software called Victoria was mentioned in the other threads for fixing this pending sector. Not sure if it's worth the time...

Also, I'm planning to use Samsung Data Migration Tool for the cloning. What are your opinions?
You can use Macrium Reflect to do a full drive Image now.
This captures the entirety of the drive, as it is right now.
OS, applications, data, everything.
And will recover to whatever new drive you get.

As said, that drive might die right now.

Samsung Data Migration is great for cloning to a Samsung target drive. But I would not wait that long.
Disk 0 is the HDD in my system.
I've checked the disks with hd sentinel. I also checked it with Crystaldisk.
It came back as there is 1 weak sector on the HDD and 200(?) pending sectors.
It is 1 pending sector.
200 is normalized value. When normalized value falls below threshold ( 0 ),
then drive is considered failed.

One pending sector is not significant. Probably just a software bad block.
Can be resolved with Victoria software - scan with remap option.


Dec 22, 2016
Thanks for the heads up! I've only read good reviews and opinions about it. Do you have any other recommendation for SATA3?

It is 1 pending sector.
200 is normalized value. When normalized value falls below threshold ( 0 ),
then drive is considered failed.

One pending sector is not significant. Probably just a software bad block.
Can be resolved with Victoria software - scan with remap option.
Yeah, I interpreted the values wrong at first. Good to hear that it is not significant.

Can Victoria's remap be used on drives with OS? As I have OS on both HDD and SSD.

Also how long would it take?