Question Fallout 4 can't find hardware and defaults to Low settings. Help Needed

Feb 27, 2019
CPU: Ryzen 2200G
GPU: GTX 1660 TI
Ram: 8GB (4x2 2666)

Essentially I am unable to choose my settings for resolution and to have the game in full screen due to the game being unable to identify my hardware and defaulting to Low settings and not having a 1080p res option or full screen.

I have googled this and have tried some fixes to no avail. I'm pretty sure I botched it up and resorted to uninstalling the game.

The game is through steam.

If anyone knows of a way to fix it and can explain to me how to do it assuming I am a complete moron and don't know what I'm doing.

Thanks in advance :)
Have you tried going to the NVidia control panel, going to 3d settings, program settings, in the dropdown clicking Fallout 4, selecting "preferred graphics processor" and in the list selecting the NVidia GPU that you have?
Have you tried going to the NVidia control panel, going to 3d settings, program settings, in the dropdown clicking Fallout 4, selecting "preferred graphics processor" and in the list selecting the NVidia GPU that you have?

It is set to my global settings which has the 1660ti set as default. Manually setting it did not make a difference sadly. But thank you for the response.
It is set to my global settings which has the 1660ti set as default. Manually setting it did not make a difference sadly. But thank you for the response.

Im sorry that didn't work, but thats the only solution I can possibly think of. Im sure somebody else will come along and make me look big dumb... lol. Best of luck with the solutions! :)