Fallout 4 FPS


Jun 29, 2014
My gpu is an MSI 390 8gb
Cpu is fx 6300
8gb ram
750 watt psu

I usually get a solid 60 except for in cities. In some cities I drop to 20 or less. Even if this game isn't fully optimized I feel I should at least get a solid 30. Also In gta 5 I get about 30-60 and my friend gets a good 60 on a slightly lesser rig. Is this normal for my rig or is there something holding me back?
i hate to say this but im glad im not the only one. im running a gtx 970 and i7-4770k and im getting like 23 fps in cities at dark while fighting a single mirelurk. im really disappointed...and i cant seem to find a fix for the problem. i feel your pain my man

With an i5-4690 + GTX 960 I never drop below 60 fps in balanced settings (TAA + Bokeh DOF + All medium graphics settings + All post proccessing options on), and never below 40 fps on maximum settings. This is at 1080p ofcourse, assuming you also run at 1080p. Either you haven't updated your drivers for a while or something is going wrong either hardware or software wise on your system.

i7-4770k @ 4.3ghz
thermaltake water 3.0 extreme
evga gtx 970 @ 1450mhz/7500mhz
16gb ddr3 1600
gigabyte z87x d3h
corsair ax860i psu
kingston kyperx 3k 240gb ssd

running at 2560x1080 resolution on an LG 60hz ips monitor
Ah ok, that's really weird then. Now I have played a bit more I do notice same frame drops in some missions, it usually drops to 50-55 but never below that strangely. I'll see if there is a solution hanging about. Might not be well enough optimised perhaps but 20 fps is too low that's for sure.