Fallout 4 is NOT utilizing my system for performance


Mar 14, 2016
What the title says.

My system will not max out (as far as it can with windows running) with fallout 4

I have a R7 370 4GB and a sad chip called AMD Athlon II Max clocked at 3.5 GHz with a core release enabled. I can run GTA V on max (not 4k) with as low as 40FPS

CPU is my bottleneck i know this. it only has L2 cache. But how much is a difference with L3? Im not very knowlegdable with CPUs. I had researched overclocking for a while before having the confidence to trial and error to show me how to clock to 3.5GHz.

Im also running 3 monitors (1 1080p, 2 720p) would this effect my performance if they are on?

Screenie of MSI Afterburner while fallout4 runs:


I'm guessing you have v-sync on, right? disable that, and put the game in windowed border less mode
Yea its low, well to me. my old card, which was pretty crap, would utilize the entire card. even on low. Im wanting to see it almost maxxed out. thats only 85. im trying to get 95 or 90. Can i force or allocate memory?

I'm guessing you have v-sync on, right? disable that, and put the game in windowed border less mode