Fallout 4 sprinting stutter


Aug 31, 2017

I have a issue with fallout where when i sprint in 1st person mainly, I get like a jittery/stutter. It happens when running over something like a crack in the road or a rock or uneven surface. I think it’s something to do with the collision in the game. It feels like the character and the ground/area aren’t in sync which causes this. The only thing that helps is using the command TCL. The stutter is completely removed at that point. I’m at a loss with this as I’ve been searching for fixes and it seems like there isn’t any for this type of bug, just wondering on the chance if anyone know a fix or a work around thanks!
Ya, I was thinking you might be having CPU issues but I doubt it with that rig.

I would say it is what you were thinking. It happens in other games too, when the pieces of the environment don't fit together perfectly or there is a gap or something.

EDIT: Due to the fact that it is likely an artifact of the game engine and the way the environment is assembled I doubt there is much you can do about it

The glitchyness is part of the fun with Bethesda 😀

EDIT: It is the same engine as Skyrim and you see similar things there
I don’t think it’s hardware related, it’s something to do with the game engine I think. I don’t think it is synced up very well.

Edit: that’s annoying. I seem like in the minority with this as there isn’t may people talking about it. It makes the game unplayable tho to be honest. It makes me feel dizzy. It’s annoying because it’s seem like a really stupid bug. I can run skyrim perfect tho. I have it installed with loads of mods that make it look better and everything and not even a little bit crap. It runs like a dream. I think it’s my luck due to the fact I prefer fallout lol