Fallout 4 - Weird Performance - Help!


Nov 10, 2015
Hey all,

Just bought Fallout 4 and I'm experiencing some weird sub optimal performance on my side.

Game is running on Ultra settings at a somewhat steady 60fps, however when I enter an area with a high amount of buildings my FPS drops massively, even reaching 25fps on Lexington!

I'm trying to figure out what is causing that, I'd appreciate any help.

My rig:

- CPU: AMD FX-8320 @ 4.1GHz
- GPU: MSI R9 390x 8G @ 1.1GHz
- RAM: 16GB DDR3
- Game's running on a Kingston 120GB SSD
- CPU Cooler: Corsair H80i
Take it off ultra, your CPU can't really do ultra.
Also you don't want it running on very high FPS (90+), the game gets out of sync, and it's speed is tied to the framerate.
My i7/980ti rig is running it at 140, and all my conversations are out of sync, with lines overlapping and the subtitles not matching what they say at all, as well actually running faster when I have higher FPS and if it drops I run slower, like if i have 90 FPS i run normal, but it gets to 130+ and I start to run faster, like spriniting, but i'm not spriniting.