Fan control header for non PWM fans?


Nov 14, 2004
I have several case fans I need to power up. They are 3 pin non PWM fans. My question is do they make a PSU powered fan header that can be speed controlled by the 3 pin header on my mobo? Gigabyte says not to use a splitter cable since fan header is only rated at .5 amp they say. The only thing I can find is fan controllers where you have to manually control the fan speed.
You can try connecting them directly to the PSU via a molex to 3pin connector. Also if they are too loud you can use fan speed reducing cable.
Something like this would work.

As long as you don't need to be able to pick a specific fan speed, this method should work. The speed limiting cables have a resistor in them that reduces the voltage to the fan, so unfortunately unless you can put your own resistor in the cable, you'rs stuck with whatever the speed limiting adapter allows the fan to spin at.

i've used this method for case fans and it worked well for me, but you'll want control over CPU and radiator fans.