Fan Controller Question


Jan 15, 2012
Sorry, I'm sure if this is exactly the correct category for this question, but it was the closest one I could find.

I recently bought a ridiculous brushless Delta fan, which is so loud that using it for long periods of time at full throttle is simply not an option. So, before buying it, I also got a new NZXT Sentry Mesh, 30W per channel fan controller. I set it up, and it worked great, or so I thought anyway. Today, while looking around in my case, I realized that every few seconds, with the fan control slider completely bottomed out, the fan would twitch. Then it occurred to me that the fun controller might not have an off setting, so I plugged it into one of my little Sickleflow LED fans, and sure enough, it doesn't have an off setting.

So, I have a few questions, if anyone knows. First, I've heard that it is very bad for a DC motor to sit idle with a low current flowing through it, because, in theory, that would produce a lot of heat. Is this true?

Assuming the answer to the first question is yes, can anyone recommend me a new 30W fan controller that actually has an off setting, preferably for $30.00 or less.
