fan durability and MSI OC Engine


Nov 23, 2016
specs: FX-6300(stock speeds) 8gb ram ddr3 1333, Mobo MSI 970 Gaming, GTX 680.

the 970 msi gaming mobo has a button on the bios called OC engine, once it is activated it locks the clock at 4.1Ghz, and the fan at 100%(around 5000 RPM is very noisy) so i was wondering if there could be any danger for my cpu fan at this point since the normal RPM is around 3000, it still allows me to set the fan to act according to the cpu temperature but i fear it could not catch up and end up damaging the cpu.

i was saving over 6 months to buy the mobo and the CPU so im a little scared about the OC thing.
4.1Ghz is mild OC for that processor and fan's are made to run full speed and will not appreciably last longer if slowed down. If it's a stock fan, it can run up to and beyond 5000 Rpm.
well the fan kinda died, it wont go higher than 2000rpm and sometimes wont even spin when the computer boots