Fan Help for NZXT Phantom 410


Oct 3, 2013
Hi guys, I'm building a computer, and I have the NZXT Phantom 410 as my case. Now the problem is that i don't know which air flow and number of fans i can choose ,i know it can Handel 7 fans at a time so need ur expert help guys..
i have come up with this set up . is it good what u say and which airflow is good negative or positive for my case?

my other info
i don't care of loudness
i want most perfect cooling
i want no dust (dust proof case) and best air flow



Nope very wrong, i will correct you though. You want your bottom fan to be an exhaust, opposite to the heat rises, heat also gets trapped by the graphics card and needs somewhere to go. Also you want your two top fans as intakes, not exhausts, your back fan is more then enough for the exhaust. My suggestion also (opposite of what most people do) would be to take that side fan and flip it and use it as an exhaust (will also keep your case cleaner inside) and at the same time allow your hot air to have a place to go that gets trapped by the graphics card. Also if you can afford it i would suggest putting this on your rear exhaust fan (120 mm), and set it up as the following, have the first fan (farthest fan inside the case) pulling in the cold air, and the second fan (the exhaust fan itself) pushing hot air out of the case:

My recommendation:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU Cooler: Corsair H80i 77.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($79.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $79.99
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-10-03 08:46 EDT-0400)

I would also recommend using all 8 fans you have listed there plus an extra one like how i suggested for maximum cooling performance. I hope this helps at least a little bit. Please feel free to contact me about any other questions/concerns you may have in the future. Also please remember to pick your best solution so other people may learn from your thread. Thank you for your time, and have a good day.

i have one gigabyte GTX 770 4gb and i have just ordered the case , will get 2 120mm and 1 140mm fan with it .but bi will add more fans

just asking (i have limited knowledge)
heat always go up that's why i have used the top fans as exhaust (but have no problem to use other way) will it not create a loop of heat air as the cold air comes in fast from 2 top fans (will it disturb the CPU fan) and bottom fan as exhaust it will just throw out cool air out not heat ?
moreover the side fan as exhaust ,i wanted it to throw cool air at the gpu so it can run cool ?
please clear my Doubt sir
i cant purchase those water coolers ,i have already have purchased coolermaster cpu cooler

is't it better to just follow the heat direction? making the front bottom intake and the rear top is outtake.
if worried about the accumulating heat near the GPU then just make the side fan an outtake fan.
did you notice better cooling with your current fan setup?

kk so i should make the side fan an exhaust as u all say (can u please explain what it will do for my info)
and i haven't made the pc yet i have ordered the case and wanted to figure out which air flow is best but its sure i will add 7 fans

am also building a new PC with the same case.
if you care about dust, then go for a positive pressure + filters on the intake fans.

i will go with the same fan setup that you posted. i will add only one 140 fan on the bottom.
I actually have the that case, and I've tried making the top fans intake, it makes the temp rise. You should (as the last guy said) make front and bottom intake, top and back fans should be exhaust. And you should make the fan in the side panel an exhaust fan for the gfx card

140 at bottom why ?
why not 140 at front and what u will do about the side fan

No however if you are not going to go with the liquid cooler, it changes things slightly (not much but slightly) you should have the top fan closer to the rear of the case facing out (as an exhaust) and the one more towards the front facing in (as an intake), it will allow it to breath a lot easier. Being as 7770's are not that long that will be my final suggestion, however if you upgrade to a bigger card in the future, this setup should be fine for that as well. Also flip your PSU, they create heat, have it exhausting out the bottom of the case. Making electricity/converting electricity = heat being pushed out by fan. No sense in blowing hot air back onto the GPU.

so just one side fan change in my setup right ?
but why not make the side fan throw air on gpu to keep it cool and warm air of gpu will rise above ?

so is my setup ok ? (i think u mean that sir correct me if i am wrong )

actually the 140 will be front intake, the 120 will be bottom intake. didn't want to go detailed. 😛.

so u r using all my setup just change the location of 140 fan from side to front right ,if not please tell me ur setup of fan

no, i use 4 fans only. 120 back & 140 top rear (both outtake) + 120 bottom & 140 front (both intake).

Here i made you a picture :)


You could have your side fan as either an exhaust or an intake depending on what you wanted, however i recommend an exhaust since it will pull heat off the GPU and your air flow intake is already coming in from the front of the case. I hope this helps at least a little bit. Please feel free to contact me about any other questions/concerns you may have in the future. Also please remember to pick your best solution so other people may learn from your thread. Thank you for your time, and have a good day.

He is correct on this matter, however either the middle or the bottom rack (I would go with the bottom one just because there is more hard drive bays in the middle one...but then again i love my hard drives.

ur setup is also good (will it be dust proof)
but is this one ok too

thx for this info will remove my middle rack as i only have 2 drives 1 ssd 120gband 1 hhd 4tb

is the bottom rack removable?

No not as good as air management in yours, reason i have one intake and exhaust on the top is so your cpu can breathe properly. Also intakes on the bottom tend to case alot more dust.

KK ur point is very good thx sir
so i will use ur given setup just need final ans from u
will ur setup cool good
will ur setup be dust proof and is it nag or + airflow
and can u also suggest the size of fans ? as i have just 1 140m m fan (or should i buy more instead of 120 mm fan )
and intake from bottom is still dusty if i add dust filters ?