Question Fan orientation and layout in this new case ?


Jun 13, 2021
I've just pre-ordered a new Thermaltake Tower 600 case.

I just wanted to get my fan layout straight so I can transfer the parts from the old case to the new one quickly and admire it lol. I believe I've got the fan orientation correct since I'll have the case laying on its side. I do have one other alternative that may lower CPU temps ever so slightly, and that would be having intake for the AIO, and then exhausting from the left and right side of the case.

Red arrows = Exhaust
Blue arrows = Intake

The Red arrows on the center of the motherboard is because the case has the option for fans behind the MB, so I would set those to exhaust as well.
Personally, I would use one of the side fans as an exit/out flow. You have all the fans blowing the air in to the center of the case, but only have the cooler fans for exit. Remember that the cooler fans won't always be running fast enough to expel the air in relation to the amount being brought in. Just my two cents.
This is mostly trial and error.

If you are going to lay it on its side then you do not have one issue. If you have fans on the top you generally want those exhaust. Hot air naturally rises but more dust and dirt will settle on the top of the machine when it is off you do not want to suck that into your machine even if there are filters.

Also if you have a cat they like the heat from the top of the case :)