Fan setup for Kraken X62 and Define S


Dec 27, 2017
I can install 1 rear, 1 bottom, 3 top and 3 front fans. I have 2 stock fans and 2 fans from the Kraken right now but don't know how to install them the best way. It looks like this atm: 1 rear exhaust, 2 top/front exhaust, 1 front/bottom intake.
I know I should have more intake but I don't know how to manage that. I can't use the kraken as top/rear because of the motherboard. Any ideas?

Rest of the setup:
Mb: AX370-Gaming K7
Gpu: Gigabyte GTX 1080
Cpu: Ryzen 7 1700

I planned to overclock.

I also would like to know if I have to mount the rad under or on top of the fans. ^^
Since hot air rises, case's airflow rule of thumb is: front & bottom - intake; top & rear - exhaust.

Here's how i'd set up the fans:
front - 2x 140mm rad fans as intake
top - 1x 140mm stock fan as exhaust
rear - 1x 140mm stock fan as exhaust

Also, mount your rad fans in pull. Here's reason why,

Btw, there's no need to have positive pressure (more intake). What positive pressure does, is that it doesn't bring in as much dust as negative pressure will. But for cooling aspect, especially when you have heat intensive build, negative pressure has better cooling than positive pressure.
Further reading...
Since hot air rises, case's airflow rule of thumb is: front & bottom - intake; top & rear - exhaust.

Here's how i'd set up the fans:
front - 2x 140mm rad fans as intake
top - 1x 140mm stock fan as exhaust
rear - 1x 140mm stock fan as exhaust

Also, mount your rad fans in pull. Here's reason why,

Btw, there's no need to have positive pressure (more intake). What positive pressure does, is that it doesn't bring in as much dust as negative pressure will. But for cooling aspect, especially when you have heat intensive build, negative pressure has better cooling than positive pressure.
Further reading: