I have recently built a new rig and I would like to get your opinion on temperatures and air flow. So basically, the setup is as depicted.
fan schema
The bottom fan is missing in the picture I have added it later. When I run overwatch on full details 144hz 2k I get the card up to 65 degrees, with overall system temperature around 50 give or take. This being while room temperature around 23. I am worried it might get worse in summer
I have done no changes to frequency of the processor or card, it's all running at default config.
Is this to be considered ok? Can I improve somehow? Thanks.
I have recently built a new rig and I would like to get your opinion on temperatures and air flow. So basically, the setup is as depicted.
fan schema
The bottom fan is missing in the picture I have added it later. When I run overwatch on full details 144hz 2k I get the card up to 65 degrees, with overall system temperature around 50 give or take. This being while room temperature around 23. I am worried it might get worse in summer

Is this to be considered ok? Can I improve somehow? Thanks.