Fans spin briefly, then stop during bootup after psu + gpu exchange

Kurt Gopaulsingh

May 1, 2013
Computer #1 (Worked for months before):

  • ■ Antec BP-550 Watt Modular PSU
    ■ Sapphire 7750 Radeon HD GPU
    ■ AMD FX-8120 8-Core

Computer #2 (Worked when I saw it being used):

  • ■ OCZ ModXStream Pro 700W Modular PSU
    ■ MSI 570 GTX GeForce GPU
    ■ Intel Core i3 2-Core

I then swapped both the psu and gpu of each com. 1 and com. 2 with each other so . . . .

Computer #1:

  • ■ OCZ ModXStream Pro 700W Modular PSU
    ■ MSI 570 GTX GeForce GPU
    ■ AMD FX-8120 8-Core

Computer #2:

  • ■ Antec BP-550 Watt Modular PSU
    ■ Sapphire 7750 Radeon HD GPU
    ■ Intel Core i3 2-Core

Now, it must be known that computer #2 (original) was bought recently (used) and it worked fine when it was demoed for me, so it was fine before I messed with it. I am very worried that something happened to all the internal components of computer #2 (original) since I had to carry the computer by hand from one house to another on a warm spring day (not raining).

I really regret not checking the computer #2 (original) before it became modified.

Now, I worked in my kitchen wearing no socks and making sure to touch metal before I changed the GPU and PSU, and I built computer #1 (original) on carpet and it turned out just fine since I touched the metal case every other second.

I have yet to return them to their original states to see if they work at all, so I will try that next.

What may my case be?

I should inform you of what I have recently discovered.

I got both comp #1 and comp #2 to boot normally after getting them back to their original state, HOWEVER, they only boot when the 6-pin power cable for the HDD is disconnected. Why? How in the world can I fix this?

I try your recommendation though, and see how it works out.

Do you mean HDD or Graphics Card?

Assuming you mean GRAPHICS CARD, your issue appears to be either the Power Supply or Graphics Card. If so, you need to test each separately from the each other somehow.

*What happens if you do this:
- Intel CPU system
- Antec BP-550
- GTX570

If this system won't boot as before, it's likely your GRAPHICS CARD. If it does boot up, then the issue is probably your 700W PSU. (NOTE: you don't require nearly as much power to simply BOOT compared to full load while gaming so the 550W should be adequate, probably even in the AMD setup.)