fast help gtx 1050ti


Aug 17, 2018
I just upgrade my gpu from gtx 650 ti boost to gtx 1050 ti but tge performance is feel the same more over in some game the performance is below my gtx 650 ti boost, (dirt 4). Please help i have done ddu uninstall in safe mode and update the driver but no use. I buy gtx 1050 ti new not used gpu

It's uncommon, but not impossible. Happy to hear the problem is gone :) .

Current version IIRC. Fake cards usually come from eBay or other, less known sites. If OP got his card on Amazon, it should be safe
@shalehha install cuda toolkit and its samples, run deviceQuery and check its result. If it doesnt say 1050ti then its not 1050 ti.

Also test with compubench benchmark and compare results with other peoples 1050ti results.

Because cuda/opencl is not strictly dependent on (fake)drivers imo.

compubench benchmark is much less download and better comparison listing. It was very good when I was in windows but now im in ubuntu so I can't run it anymore.

If you want to confirm your GPU is indeed a 1050ti, please download GPU-Z:

Run it, then take a screenshot of it, and upload it on Imgur. Give us the link, and we will compare the numbers and make sure you do indeed have a 1050ti.
my gpu z