Gulli :
Go ask the conservative bigots who think government should have the right to tell two consenting adults their love is Verboten just because they are of the same gender, and oh yeah, they can't serve in the military either, even though they have been succesfully integrated into the militaries of many countries, including that of Israel and there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever they impair the performance of their unit.
Tell me why you think the government should have the right to come into people's bedrooms but not the right to protect children against abusive parents (and yes, letting your children grown morbidly obese is abuse).
This was already discussed earlier in a different thread, and no ones saying anything other than the word and meaning since from day 1, marriage.
Others can call it what they will, and already theres talk of multi spousal "marriage" going to the supreme court.
Next itll be animals and on line AI things.
Make marriage a word that means what it has meant forever, a man and a woman, and let anyone else call it as they will, as long as it doesnt intrude upon others, give the benefits etc.
If this were to happen, the resistance would end quickly
The old, I can compare it to anything, and the slippery slope, greater argument, higher understanding etc etc ends there.
Well, you cant go there, as I havnt seem smokers get tax breaks.
I havnt seen taxes get dropped and even then favored on junk food, with less taxes on junk food.
I havnt seen fat people get free taxation to help themselves, since its obviously a money problem, as in health problem.
I say, do these things first, then we can call it a house of cards here, until then, keep the governement out of my life, my neighbors life, and let it come into your life only if youve asked, are in need, real need, not eating too many mickydees needs, but like was said earlier, abuseful, hell even if you smoke, which they havnt done a damned thing, yet take peoples money.
Nope, the slippery slope, unless youre young, has been going on for along time, and itd take more money and guts than the governent has today, yet they could start on 1 of them at least.
If you undervalue your freedoms, youre lost.