Fatal1ty FP-IN9 SLI Motherboard 16gb


Oct 29, 2006
I was wondering if there was another to have 16gb of memory on a ABIT Fatal1ty FP-IN9 SLI Motherboard other then getting 4x4gb memory. If i need to get 4x4gb what should i get?

OS Vista64
the computer will be used for video editing, some gaming and studio max.
You should check to make sure the MB BIOS provides a "memory remapping" feature; otherwise you likely won't be able to use more than 3GB or so of that RAM, even in 64bit Windows.
Yes, but if the BIOS doesn't have a "memory remapping" feature (and there's a good chance it doesn't), your 64-bit Vista will only be able to use ~3GB of that, because all the memory addresses used by the hardware will be mapped just under the 4GB point (right into the middle of your RAM) instead of being remapped to the top of the larger address space.
See for example this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929605