Faulty Product???



Hi ,,,
I'm a new guy at this forum and i 'm happy to register at TomsHardware Forum....

I live in greece where people arent sooooo experts on PCs.
So i need ur help...

I had an Abit Vh6 With PIII 733MHz and 128Mb SDRAM...
Now i turned it to GigaByte 7VTEX+ F2 AMD 1700+XP and 256Mb DDR-Ram...

My problem is that i cant play with the same speed games such as halflife and colin Mcrae 2 as with PIII...At both conditions the Graphics Card is Riva TNT 2...

I have to say that now i'm also suffering from strange occasional reboots that make me to fell PANIC...

PLEASE HELP ME.... ;-) .... Thank u in advance...
what power supply you got

random restrat usally come form that or software problem

i'm taking it that yoy reinstalled the os win you changed your system

<font color=red>Gasoline + Fire</font color=red><font color=green> Can be a lot of fun</font color=green> :smile: :smile: :smile:
What operating system are you using? The problem could be the driver version you have for your graphics card. If you're using Windows XP you should have the latest drivers for every component of your PC system!
One last comment: If you're using Windows XP, once it restarts it asks you to send a message to Microsoft. Check the message's contents and see what file is bothering you. It probably be sysdata.xml...
First of all thanks for ur immediate response...so...

i used win 98 SE and now Win ME to check if reboot was os reason...of course i made format and clean install of os...I have to say here that i have 40GB IBM partiotioned to C:2,5GB D:2,1 E:9,8 F:THe rest because when i had one partition and the driver begun to full the speed of the pc was trrible...

I have 300watt ps as with PIII...I have tried connecting the ps to unique electricity jack but the same...moreover i have redused Cash Latency to 2.5 cause it was to 2 and i think DDR-Ram is 2.5 ....lets see...now i'm going to invest if opening the oven has direct influence to my PC LOLOLOLOL...Really it happened once...I'm going to use 64Bit Xp Windows cause i have heard that Xp proccessors are better with them is it real??? I have last detonator and Direct X 8.1 ... What else to dooo???? i'm gona install Ide drivers except the last via pack i last downloaded...

However as ur interest was more for reboots i can tell u many storys... i.e. when i'm getting to internet (Supra Max 56 USB)it has made 4 times rebbot....Other time was when i tried to cut some fotos with ctrl key and by accident i pressed enter key and the pc tried to open all of them...It was really nice it open about 10-15 new windows loading new fotos and then....chaf....u know...after that i can say it is ps so i think to change to 450 Watt...

As far as the speed of graphics is concerned i run 3D Mark 2000 with 1024*768 Tripple buffering and 16bit texture and..... The score was .... 1702 ....My god....i listened an other with 1700 xp and tnt 1 hitting 2400 and i'm ready to kill my self...
Do u have any referance for this???

Thank u again for the interest...