ravewulf :
You've got it backwards. The corporations are the ones who bought and corrupted the government. Forcing everyone to buy private health insurance was a gigantic gift to the health insurance corporations. If Obama had any balls at all he would've at least given us a public option.
You still do not understand that big government can be completely autonomous to control over something. We already HAVE public options in health insurance just like we did prior to Obamacare (just like most Americans have at least two choices in their ISPs). You can go to no less than three major health insurance providers like BC/BS right now and sign up for your own plan outside of the ACA. Many states now however are pulling out of the ACA in some states because it's not profitable there under ACA (gee, who never saw that coming). Even some private practice doctors and small hospitals are refusing to accept ACA patients because they are not getting reimbursed fast enough by the government to pay their own bills.
ravewulf :
The best option would be to expand Medicare and do away with private health insurance altogether. Healthcare should be publicly funded as part of our fundamental rights. The short of it is we need to get money out of politics and pass something like FDR's Second Bill of Rights.
Yes because Medicare has been such an enormous success. Doctors are refusing to serve Medicare patients now because they too are not getting reimbursed fast enough. Why? Because funding was cut for Medicare to pay for Obamacare...to the tune of $718 billion. Sounds familiar. By 2028 it will be out of reserves.
And we Americans always HAD health care insurance. In fact, when Obamacare was rammed through CONgress in the middle of the night without it being read, 86% of Americans already had health insurance coverage. But it sounded like more of a sob story to say 21 million were without coverage than 14%. The LAST thing we need is a single payer system run by a bloated lethargic non-caring red tape government bureaucracy (you ever dealt with the VA? That's a taste of it).
ravewulf :
All those politicians you complain about? Bought off by lobbyists to do the bidding of corporations instead of listen to voters (this applies to BOTH Republicans AND Democrats). All the policies that get passed in our government as it exists now reflect which side has more money instead of which policies have more support with voters. We're a democracy in name only. Instead we've become a corporatocracy/oligarchy.
We're not a "democracy" at all. We are a representative republic. That's why the House and Senate flip power control from time to time. I don't see people like Rand Paul getting bought out. In fact, every time I see House members talk about cutting the spending budget in proposals, others come out screaming "Oh but the children will starve! The old people will be on the street!"
When the people have had enough, they will rebel. And they rebelled in November. We'll see what happens in the 2018 mid-term elections. But circling back to this issue of the FCC, again, it was about control and power, *NOT* about any best interest of the poor people or rural people with no high speed internet or even really protecting the consumer from fewer choices. How many smaller local or regional ISPs merged in buyouts by bigger ones under the last administration? How about Charter and TWC in 2015? Like I've stated the umpteenth time now: that road goes both ways.